Title: Not enough time
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #003 Tomorrow
Word Count: 208
Summary: When you’re young, there’s an endless amount of tomorrows.
When you’re young, there’s an endless amount of tomorrows. Albus and Gellert would laze about in Bathilda Bagshot’s back garden, enjoying the summer sun, drinking firewhiskey (although Bathilda thought it was pumpkin juice) and pretty much doing nothing. They didn’t have a care in the world. They didn’t even think about what could go wrong with their plan. They were young and clever, nobody could harm them.
Years later, they would both wonder what tomorrow would bring. The promise of a new day would fill their hearts with hope. Such fearless hope - it consumed them until all they could think of was how wonderful it would be to see each other’s eyes. The eyes in their dreams were always frozen and haunted, but yesterday’s eyes smiled.
There’s strange power in tomorrow. Tomorrow relates to yesterday, and there’s always someone in yesterday’s thoughts. Albus didn’t have an endless amount of tomorrows, he was an old man. Tomorrow might be the last, his last chance for a second chance. And that meant that every moment mattered for Albus, every second need to be lived, experienced, and appreciated. Because tomorrow it might all fall apart. He just wished there was time to relive yesterday, and then tomorrow might be more welcome.