Title: Keeping quiet
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #044 Silence
Word Count: 170
Summary: There’s a time and a place - always.
There’s a time and a place - always. And if you’re a private man, you tend to keep certain things to yourself. Old men don’t reveal their feelings so readily. There is a general feeling that there’s no time for such nonsense.
Albus had kept quiet for so long, put a smile on his face even when he felt he could die. And now that he thought he really must talk to someone - the words seemed to get lost in his throat. Too much time had passed, too many opportunities had been missed and it did not matter that now was the time; he simply couldn’t do it.
The past was too painful and talking about it brought back too many memories. So Albus left those parts of his life alone; hey were better left untouched anyway, fingering them too much would only make the edges sullied.
Sometimes it’s better to bite your tongue no matter how much your heart begs to ask questions; how much it yearns to know ‘why?’
Title: Nothing would ruin this
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #029 Quarrel
Word Count: 145
Summary: They never argued - ever.
They never argued - ever. Both, thought always popular, were so ecstatically thankful for their friendship that a harsh word would never leave their mouths.
So gloriously happy, Albus had wondered whether he would ever find someone like him, a friend who would understand him. Any hint of unsureness would be instantly dismissed, he wasn’t going to lose Gellert by asking too many questions and Gellert wouldn’t lose Albus by not sticking to the only thing he felt made Albus comfortable - “for the greater good”.
No, nothing could be allowed to ruin this; this had to last. Neither of them felt they could survive without the other, not now they had dreamed of a life together. They would hold their tongue, charm their doubts out of their minds if need be. It was their turn to have something real, something loving - and nothing must ruin that.
Title: Grown apart
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #020 Clarity
Word Count: 101
Summary: There was a tiny moment just before they raised their wands at each other.
There was a tiny moment just before they raised their wands at each other. It was a look only their eyes could see and it was fleeting, but it seemed to last for an eternity. It was like every memory of that summer they had shared together came flooding back and they wondered how they had got to this point.
That seemed like an eternity ago, a whole other time and they were almost barely recognisable to each other today. It was such a lonely feeling - to know that you’ve really grown apart from someone you once knew and truly loved.
Title: Promise
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #040 Promises
Word Count: 133
Summary: They had spent so much time together that they begun to think they could never be with anyone else.
They had spent so much time together that they begun to think they could never be with anyone else. They thought they would never be able to relax in another’s company and feel as safe as they did when they were lying in each other’s arms. There was no way it would ever be the same with anyone else.
And so they swore to each other that they would only ever be for each other, completely. That was their vow, their oath. They swore to love only one, and that meant they were bound to each other for eternity.
Albus could never love anyone but Gellert, which meant he became destined for a life of loneliness, and Gellert too, for unfortunately, neither were in love enough to believe they could stay together forever.