Title: Pumpkin Juice
Author: lcviolin07
Prompt set: 100.1
Prompt: 077, Orange
Word Count: 218
Summary: Sirius asks the deep questions in life: Why is pumpkin juice orange?
Rating: G
Disclaimer: It’s not my sandbox, I only play in it.
AN: Very random and immaturely written. I meant it to be this way so please do not criticise me.
Sirius was staring at his large glass of pumpkin juice one morning at breakfast. “Moony, have you ever noticed how pumpkin juice is orange?”
Remus stared at him, his face fixed in an un-amused face. “Um, yes. Pumpkins are orange.”
“But why?” Sirius took a large swallow and placed his glass back on the table.
Sighing, Remus turned back to his friend. “Why what?”
“Why are pumpkins orange?”
“How am I supposed to know?” Remus exclaimed. “Just drink your juice and let’s get going. We have Potions in ten minutes.”
“But Moony, I really want to know,” Sirius whined, his lips fixed in a frown.
Remus sighed again. “So go to the library and research it. I have no idea.” He picked up his books and walked away from Sirius, who was still staring at his glass of juice.
Days later:
“Moony!” Sirius ran up to his friend, a piece of parchment waving in his hands. “Guess what?”
“What?” Remus asked, stopping in the middle of the corridor.
“Pumpkins are orange because they have high levels of carotene pigments like: lutein, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene.” Sirius had a look of accomplishment on his face, obviously quite proud of himself.
‘That’s just great Sirius. Just great.” Remus shook his head and walked back down the corridor to the Great Hall.