Title: Accusations
Author: lcviolin07
Prompt set: 100.1
Prompt: 006, Accusation
Word Count: 361
Summary: Peter accuses Sirius.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: It’s not my sandbox, I only play in it.
AN: None
“James and Lily, Sirius? How could you?” Peter called across the road
Peter’s words echoed in my head, over and over in slow motion then in fast. They reverberated off the houses and back to my ears. The sounds caused a crowd to gather around us. People watched in awe, staring as we argued, our wands held out in front of us.
He, the traitor, dared accuse me of betraying my dear friends. The rat, in more ways than one, turned in his closet friends, for what? Power? Money? Protection?
I opened my mouth to retaliate, to remind him who actually betrayed our friends, but he got there first. I blinked and raised my wand as he screamed. A flash of brilliant green light caused me to close my eyes. When I opened them, there were a dozen bodies on the ground, all muggles. Peter vanished, leaving me to stare at the destruction that surrounded me. Trees were uprooted, cars damaged, people dead.
I heard several cracks behind me and apparated out, leaving the destruction behind. When I got back to my flat, I collapsed in a chair, my mind reeling over what had just happened. Lily and James were dead, and Harry had gone to live with those muggles. Peter was gone, dead maybe. It wouldn’t surprise me if he blew himself up; he never was the most gifted wizard.
But to accuse me? Me, James’ best man. “It was my fault,” I whispered, my voice cracking. I was the one who told them to switch keepers to Peter. I was the one who said to trust him. I was the one who was alive, while James and Lily were dead. Peter was right to accuse me; it was my fault.
“Sirius Black! We have you surrounded. Do not try to apparate, nor vacate the premises.” The Aurors called from the front lawn.
I laughed. They thought it was my fault. They were here to accuse me. Well they were right.
I walked to the front lawn, laughing at the predicament. Could I have known twelve hours ago this would have happened? Could I have known they would accuse me?