Title: Quarrel
sivullinenRating: G
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: Quarrel
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ginny screams, and Ron turns maroon.
Warnings: it’s not really incest so I’m not warning about it ;)
Notes: This is a drabble I wrote at work today...
”Just because the best kiss he’s ever had is from our Auntie Muriel-” Ginny screams, and Ron turns maroon. Ginny has no idea how badly those words sting.
Not because it’s cruel or because Harry hears it too, but because Ron’s best kiss this far is actually from Ginny. She kissed him innocently ‘thank you’ the previous summer, when Ron gave her the latest part of her favourite book series.
Ron hasn’t been able to forget that kiss. It haunts his dreams, and that bothers him.
As he listens to Ginny go on, he decides to do something about it.