Title: Heaven
Author: lcviolin07
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #14 Heaven
Word Count: 122
Summary: Beyond the brilliant, white light, Sirius finds home.
Warnings: If you haven't read OotP and beyond, don't read.
Sirius opened his eyes, looking around the room. It was dark, cold and he was sure he was alone. The only light was a small sliver underneath a door straight ahead of him and he walked forward, his hand outstretched to turn the knob.
His squinted as the door opened, trying to block out the bright light. The light was so bright; he couldn’t see more than a foot in front of him. Without knowing what was ahead, he walked forward, into the light.
“Where am I?” He called out, hoping someone would answer. He stopped walking looking around in the brilliant whiteness of the area, unable to see anything.
“It’s heaven, Padfoot,” James’ voice said from somewhere near him. “Welcome home.”