Free! Rin figurine!

Jun 23, 2014 21:26

I couldn't go to the last anime convention so my friend got me a Rin figurine (from Free!). I wanted a Haru one but apparently he was sold out before she even got there. Still, Rin is my second favorite! In celebration of the season two release, I decided to upload some pics, enjoy~

Sittin' in a cup of ice cold water. Cool, Rin, real nice.

Ahh~ What could possibly be happening here~ (Yeah, not a pure thought but I couldn't resist!)

Now who's the boss!?

He drowned...

Swim little sharky, swim!

Going sideways (I just remembered I could move his head to the side, but that's too old fashion)




My friend also gave me this mouse pad when she came back from Japan last year. I use it more as decoration, haha.

Find Waldo?

Took this one upside-down by accident, oh well!

My favorite pairing from the show.

Well, that's it for now. I can't wait for the new season, only a few days left!

pictures, anime, figurine, swim club, free! rin

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