Title: A Sickly Shade of Blue
faycequevoudrasClaim: Elphaba: Wicked the Musical
Table: Emotions
Prompt: Jealousy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers if you haven't seen the musical
It was like bile rising in the back of her throat. Acid as green as she was and twice as dangerous. The words seemed to echo through her head, cutting into her brain like a million tiny glass shards. Incensed, madly and wickedly hateful in that moment and yet Elphaba felt cold. Cold as if the color had bled from her skin, leaving her sickly blue shade that would most definitely clash with pink. It was almost the exact color of the gown that Glinda was wearing, that shade that made her eyes brighter and her curls seem golden. That color that Elphaba would forever more never see because she would relate it to this very moment.
The moment that she heard the words from her friend's own mouth, and yet not directed at Elphaba herself. The words that told not only the world but the wicked witch that they all feared, that Glinda was to marry Fiyero. They were to be wed. Elphaba had never felt more alone. She wasn't only losing friends in all this that had turned Oz on it's ear. She was losing the person she loved, both of them, and she wasn't sure which of them she was most jealous of.