Fruits Basket: Shigure's New Novel/ Hatori/Tohru/ PG

Jul 23, 2008 10:30

Title: Shigure’s New Novel
Author: self_portraitz
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Hatori/Tohru
Word Count: 2,790
Rating: PG
Summary: Hatori agrees to read Shigure’s new novel to Tohru
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything
Warning(s): None

It’s cold outside, the kind of cold that buries itself in your bones and nestles there for the winter. The trees are draped in snow and the sky looks likes it’s covered in creamy, white chocolate. Inside a traditional, old house two cups of steamy green tea and a plate covered artistry with cookies sits on a table.

A man is seated at the table with his legs crossed and a book in his hands as a young lady sits quietly on the other side, watching him closely. She stares at his thin, pale lips as he reads the written words out loud to her. His soft, deep voice is the only noise in the abnormally quiet room, a room that is usually bursting with life and excitement.

Tohru enjoys the excitement that the others bring into her life, but the quiet change of pace is just as enjoyable. The fact that the busy doctor takes the time to read to her is so much of a blessing that she thanks her mother every day for it.

It is something she has just recently learnt to be thankful for, and not see as merely a huge imposition placed on the busy doctor. When Hatori started to read to Tohru, she’d felt an overwhelming need to apologize to the man for the extra added duties he was faced with. She’d constantly questioned how he could enjoy reading to her once a week when he was such a busy man.

It had been two weeks ago, after Hatori had finished the chapter where Misa had lost Yuri’s love. Tohru vividly remembers the chapter because she’d sobbed like a child when Misa had called out Yuri’s name as he’d walked away. Tohru had been embarrassed by her reaction but Hatori had merely stated somberly that.

“The scene is written to invoke such strong emotions from its reader; it’s perfectly understandable why you’d cry.”

The statement had been said with such earnest that Tohru’s embarrassment had instantly dissolved and she’d thanked the man for his words. He’d looked slightly uncomfortable with Tohru’s gratitude, and his reaction had left her confused.

Her doubts and insecurities about the man had reared their ugly head as she stared at his uncomfortable expression. She was being selfish, and was asking too much of the doctor.

It was with that thought running through her head that she had begged Hatori not to come over anymore. She remembers the way Hatori's uncomfortable expression had quickly changed to a look of hurt and rejection.

Tohru also vividly remembers the completely broken feeling she’d gotten when she’d realized she’d caused the man pain. She’d quickly bowed and begged for his forgiveness. She’d insisted that she’d never wanted to hurt the man, only insure that he need not feel obligated to do anything for her own selfish benefit.

Hatori had shaken his head at her words and lit a smoke.

“Does it make, Honda-san, happy?” he’d asked his voice razor sharp.

She’d blushed three shades of red at the question and had nodded her head so hard she’d felt her teeth rattle in her mouth.

“Of course it does, how could it not!” she’d said with fierce determination, “Hatori-san, is such a busy man and I’d be such an ungrateful person if I didn’t enjoy any and all time, Hatori-san spends with me.”

Hatori’s eyes had softened and he’d reached out hesitantly as he’d placed his hand on the top of her head. He’d left it there for a few seconds before he removed it and gave her a small, but warm smile. It was a smile that Hatori rarely gave anyone and when Tohru saw it, she’d blushed harder and stumbled over her words.

“I-I just w-want to make sure, Hatori-san, isn’t doing this just for me.”

Hatori chuckled, a deep chuckle that made Tohru’s insides tighten. She wasn’t sure why she got this reaction whenever she was around the doctor, but never failed to feel it whenever he was near. She always felt nervous around him and impossibly childish and stupid.

When he’d told her he enjoyed their reading sessions as much as she did, Tohru had beamed with so much happiness that she felt like she was floating on air.

Today, its Tohru’s favorite part of her week. She smiles when Hatori’s voice softens as he reads a line of the story that deals with ever lasting love. She adores it when he does that.

The reading sessions had started a few weeks ago when the snow had just begun to fall from the sky and coat the grass with tiny, wet snowflakes. It had all started at dinner, Yuki was out with his school council members and Hatori was over. Tohru had worked hard earlier that day to make sure she made the doctor’s favorite foods.

The dragon and dog were discussing one of Shigure’s latest novels while Tohru served the main course. Hatori had stopped mid sentence when Tohru placed fresh rice in his bowl. He pulled a drag from his cigarette as he watched her with sharp, green eyes through a veil of smoke. When she caught his gaze on her, she’d fumbled with his plate and a piece of his fish fell on the floor.

“Oh dear,” she had exclaimed as she quickly put down the plate. “Oh, Hatori-san I’m so sorry!” She said as her temperature rose and her body shook with mortification.

Tohru had been so embarrassed that she’d felt tears weld up in her eyes. She’d apologized profusely and run into the kitchen to get a towel to clean up the mess. She placed the towel underneath the faucet to get it wet, all the while calling herself foolishly clumsy and stupid.

She’d run back into the room with the wet cloth, and kept her head down as she practically leaped onto the floor to clean up her mistake.

She heard Kyo yelling at her to calm down and stop god damn apologizing, but all of her focus had been on Hatori, or to be exact, all her focus had been on not looking at Hatori and seeing what she expected to be displeasure in his eyes.

She’d gotten up quickly after cleaning up the mess and turned to make a run back to the kitchen before her tears started to roll down her cheeks.

She’d just about made it when a hand wrapped around her wrist and stopped her dead in her tracks. She hadn’t turned around at first, but a soft, deep voice that said her name made her turn without a second’s hesitation. Even in Tohru’s state she’d been raised with enough manners to answer when someone called out to her.

She’d turned around, but kept her head down and stared at the towel in her hand. She still doesn’t understand why she’d been so emotional, but she hates making a fool out of herself in front of others, especial Hatori.

She’d opened her mouth to apologize, but stopped short when a hand reached out and strong fingers curled themselves around her chin. The fingers forced her to look up and into dark, green eyes. She’d expected to see disappointment but instead, she saw a small, warm smile.

“Don’t apologize,” Hatori said, his voice had been so soft that it’d soothed her instantly.

She’d moved her head and instantly regretted it, because the fingers underneath her chin disappered.

“I’m acting foolish,” she’d stated as she’d tried to regain herself.

His smile slowly faded and he’d let go of her wrist, but his eyes kept their warmth.

“Its okay, Honda-san,” he’d said as he took a step back, “there’s nothing to feel foolish about.”

She’d doubted his words, but took them for the comfort they were. She nodded her head in the direction of the kitchen and told them she was going to throw away the soiled fish. When she’d gotten back everyone’s eyes were on her and she’d shuffled her feet in embarrassment. She’d felt the need to apologies again and was thankful when Shigure quickly stood up and asked her to sit down.

“You know what?” Shigure stated once she’d sat down.

She shook her head and had forced herself not to glance in Hatori’s direction.

“I didn’t ask you what you though of my new novel?” The dog asked as he reached over the table and grabbed a copy of the book next to Hatori’s plate.
Tohru blushed and pulled her hair out from behind her ears to cover her red cheeks, “I actually haven’t read any of your stories, Shigure-san.”

She’d heard Kyo snort and glanced up at him behind her veil of long, brown hair, “It's not like she’d read your over the top books,” Kyo sneered, “nothing but stupid, gushy love stories.”

He’d given her a tight smile, the one he always gave her when he tried to defend her against her own awkwardness.

She’d smiled back and Kyo’s cheeks had burned red and he’d quickly looked away . He’d glanced around the room as if daring anyone to say anything. Kyo’s behavior had caused Tohru to relax with its familiarity and she’d pushed her hair behind her ears.

“Well,” the dog stated, obviously ignoring Kyo’s rant, “you should read it.”

Tohru had felt that anxiety that constructed itself around her embarrassment and quickly grabbed her chopsticks and pushed around her food.

“I, um, I,” she’d stated softly, “I don’t read very often.”

She’d quickly looked up when she realized her comment may have hurt Shigure’s feelings. She quickly waved a hand in the air and explained what she meant.

“I-I’m sure, Shigure-san’s book is amazing and very well written, it’s just,” she’d bitten her lower lip as it began to tremble.

Blushing, Tohru had stared down at her plate, her lower lip quivered as she said, “m-mom use to read to me every night and well, it just isn’t…” she’d trailed off and looked up hopeless at Shigure, she’d wished she could find the words to make him understand.

But it seemed she didn’t have to explain anything, because Shigure had shaken his head and closed his eyes briefly before tapping his novel on his thigh.

“You know,” he stated in a tone Tohru had gotten to know very well. It was the tone that stated, ‘I’ve just come up with a brilliant plan and everyone will go along with it whether they like it or not!’ Not that Tohru would ever go against anything Shigure wanted, he was giving her free room and board and well---she trusted Shigure with everything she had.

“I think my beautiful bride should know what her husband’s book is about,” Shigure had stated proudly, “its only fair, don’t you think, Ha-san?”

Tohru had spared a quick glance at the doctor and quickly looked away when their eyes had met; she remembers how shocked she’d been at that moment. His green eyes had literally made her heart pound wildly beneath her chest.

“If she says she doesn’t want to read…”

The dog had interrupted Hatori as he’d tsked and a wagged a finger in the dragon’s direction.

“I didn’t say anything about her reading it,” the dog said in song-song tone. “I wanted her to know about the story. You know…” Shigure trailed off as he placed a finger on his lower lip. He’d appeared like he had been deep in thought but the sparkle in his eyes had made Tohru squirm in her seat.

“Ha-san,” he’d said with a wide, open smile, “wouldn’t it be great if someone read it to her?”

Tohru remembers the dread that crept into her heart at the dog’s words. ‘Oh Mom,’ she remembers moaning to herself, ‘How could I let anyone in this room to do so much for me.’

Tohru didn’t wait for Hatori’s response. She’d quickly jumped up and waved her hands fiercely in Shigure’s direction, “No, no, Shigure-san, I couldn’t ask anyone to do that. Everyone is much too busy for that. It-it would be asking too much, n-no, it’s not right. I don’t want anyone doing so much for me!”

Tohru hadn’t been aware how her voice had broken down with emotion, but remembers taking a calming breathe before looking at Kyo for help. He was always there to help her out of these situations. But when she’d seen the look of sadness on his face she sat back down and folded her hands in her lap.

“I’m sorry for my outburst,” she’d stated.

Her teeth had embedded themselves into her lower lip to them from quivering and she’d stared at Kyo with wide eyed confusion. She hadn’t understood why he’d looked sad, but she remembers praying that it wasn’t because of her.

She’d opened her mouth to apology again, but Kyo had placed his hand up to stop her.

“You will get that damn book read to you!” He’d snapped, “even if I have to drag you by the ear to hear it!”

Tohru’s mouth had dropped open in surprise and she’d glanced around the room at the resolve and determination on everyone’s faces.


“Kyo may not have any tact,” Hatori had stated before she’d said another word, “but I believe he is right, Honda-san should get the book read to her.”

It was with Hatori’s sharp words and soft eyes that a memory of her mother sitting at the edge of her bed reading her stories flashed in Tohru’s mind.

She remembers biting the inside of her cheek to stop from crying, she’d already been emotional enough that day. But the though of some reading to her, like her mother did; the though of having something like that, that would help her feel closer to her mother---it had made her feel so very grateful, and too blessed. She remembers whispering out loud. “I don’t deserve this,” but wasn’t aware that tears had made their way down her face and were glistening on her cheeks.

“Damn it, Tohru, you moron, I’ll read to you, okay!” Kyo had hissed as he’d placed a hesitant hand on her shoulder.

She’d shaken her head and had looked up at him with blurry, wet eyes.

“B-But, Kyo-kun, you’re training with your Master,” she’d shaken her head again and drops of her tears hit Kyo’s hand.

She remembers his face had burned red with anger but she stated firmly, “No, Kyo-kun, this is too much to ask.”

Kyo had jumped up when she had said that and got into her face, “God damn,. If I said I’ll…’

“Kyo!” Hatori had shouted, causing the cat to flinch back.

“Stop yelling at her,” the dragon hissed, “I’ve already offered her my services, and I’ll be the one to read her the book.”

Tohru remembers opening her mouth to protest, because she believed that Hatori shouldn’t be the one to do it. She remembers praying to her mom, that it should be anyone but him. Maybe Kyo could read to her after his practice, but not Hatori! He was much too busy to have to deal with her. No, no, she could NOT ask this of him!

“But..” she had cried out, but the look Hatori had given her caused Tohru to shut her mouth

“Do not disagree with me, Honda-san,” he’d snapped.

She’d nodded her head before she knew what she was doing and began to shake in fear. She’d never seen how cold his eyes could get when he was angry.

Hatori had stared at her for a few seconds before his eyes had gone wide with shock and he’d quickly looked away. When he turned back to look at her, his eyes were emotionless, but like always Tohru could see the softness hiding around the edges.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you, Honda-san,” He said delicately, “I should not have scared you like that.”

She’d shaken her head and was just about to tell him it was okay when she heard Kyo snarl at Hatori. She’d turned to look at the cat but jumped in surprise when he kicked down the kitchen door and ran out of the room.

She was about to get up to run after him when Shigure had stopped her.

“Let him be, Tohru-kun,” he’d said as he’d fanned himself with his novel.

At the present time Tohru is reaching out for her now, cold cup of tea and taking a sip as Hatori’s voice soothes and relaxes her. She looks away from the lips telling her a tale of love and far off places and stares at the creamy, white sky outside.

‘Mom,’ she thinks as she looks up at the heavens, ‘I know you can hear this story too. Isn’t it good?”

hatori/tohru t8 (self_portraitz)

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