Title: Angel
bloodonmyarmsPairing: Tuomas/Tarja
Word Count: 154
Rating: PG
Summary: It was the most intimate relationship you could have in a band.
Disclaimer: Apparently, so canon, but this is just fiction, promise.
It was the most intimate relationship you could have in a band. The rest of the band never needed to see the lyrics; they enjoyed the poetry of the music. But the singer needs to understand the sobriety of his pain.
Such a mass of words to describe the boy’s sick heart, they can tears to sting at the corner of her snowflake eyes. He never shared himself so completely as he did with her, never let anyone listen to the words he’d whisper to himself as he scribbled them down into his notebook.
He always relaxed when her fingers brushed away the stray hairs at his temple, when his eyes would flutter shut. And that’s why he would shut his eyes during each and every show, blocking everyone else out - it was just hi and her, and those were his words, his pleas for mercy. How appropriate that an angel should sing them.