Title: Alluring
bloodonmyarmsPairing: Tuomas/Tarja
Word Count: 179
Rating: PG
Summary: There were odd moments when they were able to steal away.
Disclaimer: Apparently, so canon, but this is just fiction, promise.
There were odd moments when they were able to steal away. It didn’t happen often, but every now and then you come across a place in the world that is still untouched, undisturbed. There are still places where you can lie down and hear the wind pass through the trees. Tuomas craved for that. For silence, tranquillity. For a moment to embrace the soft sweat on her collarbone.
One of the happiest moments of both their lives was the day they stole away to a beach. It was quiet, and the sand wasn’t completely soft - in fact it grated across her skin - but it was wonderful. There was something about the way the waves crashed across the sand, and hit their toes as they lay near the tide that sent shivers down their spines.
Kissing in the middle of the waves was the most beautiful thing in the world. And when the sun started to set and the golden rays slid across her face, she was lit up and illuminated with the most alluring beauty Tuomas had ever known.
Title: Way of life
bloodonmyarmsPairing: Tuomas/Tarja
Word Count: 152
Rating: PG
Summary: It was the sound of the forest.
Disclaimer: Apparently, so canon, but this is just fiction, promise.
It was the sound of the forest. It stayed with them, all their life. It reminded them of childhood, of running through the trees, telling stories around campfires and singing songs with friends. That was how they grew up, and it made them who they are as adults. It’s a certain way of life, and it was theirs. That’s why they were so perfect together; they were the same.
The silence taught them to communicate in looks. There was an art in knowing how to say something in the fewest words possible, in the right words, in “I love you” and “angel”.
There was something in their eyes that showed their history. Her eyes and her snow white skin showed her as an angel of the moonlight, a guiding light that tells you the secrets of love. He was a hunter, silent and strong. A match made in the stars of winter.