Title: World's Riches
bloodonmyarmsPairing: Tuomas/Tarja
Word Count: 181
Rating: PG
Summary: In each city, there was always someone saying “I love you”.
Disclaimer: Apparently, so canon, but this is just fiction, promise.
In each city, there was always someone saying “I love you”. They were both loved by fans everywhere and consequently, they started to love the fans. There was a point when they though they might be allowed to date openly because nobody seemed to mind the idea. But it only takes a second to remember what love in the limelight is like.
Could they survive it? Did they have the strength to try? Sometimes it’s best not to try and fix things that aren’t broken.
They had to stay secret. They had to stay friends, both of their hearts relied on that friendship. But it got hard for Tuomas. Some fans are just too much. He couldn’t watch men lusting after Tarja, after his Tarja. He’d turn his eyes away but his heart heard everything. And as much as he knew Tarja loved him, there was a small part of his brain, the part that always speaks when it’s best to shut up, that worried that she might be led astray. A dreaming poet is not match for the world’s riches.