There have already been a few recurring questions, so I've created this FAQ. Please feel free to post new questions here.
1) How do I claim a pairing?
Send an email to, or make a post in the
Pairings Request Page (please DO NOT post requests in the FAQ thread!).
2) Why did you reject my pairing?
The only reason I would reject a pairing is if it's already been claimed. The HP Drabble Challenge only accepts ONE drabble for any given pairing; there's thousands more available, i'm sure you can find one to write!
- EDITED TO ADD: I will also reject pairings with non-canon characters, such as those from JKR's "Wizard of the Month"; and ancient historical characters like the ones Binns drones on about (the exception being the Four Founders of Hogwarts).
3) Can I do more than one drabble?
No. At least, not now. The idea behind this challenge is that everyone do ONE drabble; that makes it so the highest number of people possible can participate. If, somewhere down the road, it starts looking like we won't make the goal, I will offer a ROUND II, at which point everyone who's already contributed will have the chance at a second drabble.
4) Why can't I just pick a pairing and post it if it's not on the list of claimed pairings?
Someone may have sent an email requesting the pairing, and the mods haven't updated the online lists yet. It would be unfair to the person who followed the rules.
5) Do you have to be 18 years old to participate?
No, any age is welcome to participate, so long as you follow the age guidelines:
- If you are under 18, your submission must have a rating of PG-13 or lower.
- If you are under 18, you may not read the NC-17 fics! They will be clearly labeled, stay away! If necessary I will bar access to the community if this rule is broken!
6) Is there a time limit for writing the drabbles?
There is no set time limit. However, if someone claims a drabble and then isn't heard from again for a few weeks, they will receive an email of inquiry. If they don't respond or respond that they don't foresee completing their drabble, then the pairing will be made available again.
7) Can I post my drabble on my website or Livejournal?
Yes, of course! And if you wouldn't mind, we'd appreciate your referencing this challenge and providing a link!
Any more questions, feel free to ask!