Title: Rain Delay
Fandom: Mai-HiME
Claim: Minagi Mikoto/Tokiha Mai
Prompt: #2 - Raincloud
Characters/Pairing: Mai/Mikoto
Rating: G
Mikoto hated it when it rained. It usually meant that Mai would come home late from her Saturday work shift, and Mikoto was anxious to go out on their planned date to the movies. The rain had been particularly heavy that night, so Mikoto wondered how long it would take for the buses to get back. She was tempted to try to cook lunch for herself, but still wasn't confident about using the stove, even though she had taken tips from Mai and Takumi. She decided instead to sit down on their bed and read a story to distract herself from the increasing loudness of her growling stomach, hoping that the rain would taper off long enough for Mai to make it home on time.