Title: Some Like It Rough
Fandom: Mai-HiME
Claim: Minagi Mikoto/Tokiha Mai
Prompt: #3 - Peace and War
Characters/Pairing: Mai/Mikoto
Rating: PG for mild violence
Since the beginning of her first year in high school, Mikoto had always been the first one to know when Mai took on a new hobby. This time around, it was the judo club, and Mikoto was the first to be the recipient of a new throw or hold that Mai learned that day. Mikoto had endured much strenuous physical training since her youth, so she was able to take a lot of punishment. She didn't mind being pinned down by the girl she loved, as long as it meant she could sneak a kiss in between holds...and she usually did, right after a reversal that would catch Mai off-guard.
"Now, I've got you right where I want you," Mikoto would say.
Being pinned to the ground wasn't exactly a new thing for Mai, either. She actually felt relieved that Mikoto wasn't burying her face in her breasts anymore. They tended to get a little over-enthusiastic with the roughhousing, but the bruises seemed to heal faster since they weren't fighting for real...at least, not anymore.