Title: Separation Anxiety
Fandom: Valkyria Chronicles
Claim: Dallas Wyatt/Edy Nelson
Prompt: #10 - Loyalty
Characters/Pairing: Dallas/Edy
Rating: G
"You know, Edy," said Dallas, inspecting her rifle, "it's almost a shame that this war's going to end soon."
Edy sat her weapon down next to her and inched slightly closer to Dallas. "What do you mean?"
"There are quite a few things I'll miss about Squad 7 after I leave. Getting to travel across the world, sharpening my skills with tools, getting to meet some new friends...cute ones, too..."
"Yeah, that was sort of the same thing I was thinking."
Dallas sighed. "It'll be sad to leave this all behind when I go home."
"You don't have to," said Edy."
"I don't?"
"Of course not. Take me with you!"
Dallas was shaken both mentally and physically. For all the flirting she professed to have done, no one had ever accepted any of proposals, but here Edy was, practically throwing herself at her.
"Are you sure about this?" she asked.
"If there's one thing I've learned from my experience as a Seven, it's to never leave behind someone you really care about. So, will you do it?"
"I wouldn't mind," said Dallas, "but what about you? We're not exactly neighbors, you know."
"I'm sure we could work something out."
With those words, Edy planted a kiss on Dallas that neither of the two girls would soon forget.