All Your Problems Will Evaporate Like Milk on Hot Pavement

Feb 12, 2006 11:10

I dreamed last night that I was working as a substitute teacher and my classroom was a treehouse. One of my best friends from elementary school (who is currently incredibly hot) dropped by to visit and wanted to do some serious "catching up." But every time we'd get started, someone would come up and start bothering us.

First it was problematic because the treehouse had no doors or curtains. Then a friend came up and asked some questions. Then some clerk wanted me to put my signature down on something, and I started to, but then noticed that I'd signed under the wrong name, and someone had signed wrong under my name. Bryan and I started arguing because the people who signed wrong were the ones who used to pick on me in elementary school and he thought I shouldn't cover up for them. After I'd finished signing a form upside down (I don't know why I was upside down, but it made things take longer).

So I thought I'd got rid of them finally and then my dad comes to pick me up for the beach! So I'm about to get rid of him when a horde of girls came to find Bryan and carry him off for their own nefarious purposes.


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