
Jul 22, 2019 04:11

Blitzwing is a Triple Changer, meaning that he has two alt modes as opposed to just one. Canonically, he's capable of transforming into a jet and a tank. He's quite fond of attacking his opponents as a jet, then transforming in midair and smashing down on them as a tank. This has transferred to his human form in the following abilities:

- Flight
- Super-strength
- Super-endurance

Clarification of super-endurance: Blitzwing takes little to no damage from blunt objects/impacts. However, he is still vulnerable to guns and other weapons designed to puncture.

It should also be noted that, since flight stems from having been a jet and super-strength from having been a tank, he cannot use the two simultaneously. His super-endurance is active at all times.

Blitzwing is a tall blond man (around 6'2" (?)) who appears to be in his mid to late twenties. His eyes are red and glow faintly, something that's quite obvious in the dark. When he becomes excited or angry, this glow is more apparent. In order to mask this, he wears a pair of red, visor-like sunglasses when he's in public. His usual attire consists of lots and lots of purple, and he has what seems to be a tattoo just above his navel in the shape of the Decepticon insignia.

His true form, of course, looks like this.

Blitzwing's PB is Cam Gigandet.

ooc, reference

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