Stalking is illegal. 10pointsforme confronts notsoloyal.
notsoloyal is stalking 10pointsformenotsoloyal's REAL name :Piedad Newellnotsoloyal's REAL DOB :25th October 1986Height :168 cmWeight : 81.8 kgnotsoloyal has dreamt about you : 27 times notsoloyal became interested in you : 02nd January 2008notsoloyal's latest dream about you Both you and notsoloyal are working in an animal sanctuary together. notsoloyal suggests that you retire to the empty ape sanctuary for a while for a bit of role-play.This is how notsoloyal describes your relationship behind your back 'We are still friends. I think. I hope. 10pointsforme told me it was him father's idea to get the restraining order, so we're cool'notsoloyal's been stealing stuff from your house too. notsoloyal seems to get a thrill from continually stealing your toothbrushes. It is rumoured that notsoloyal uses them to scratch their ass.They've even started modifying their body for you notsoloyal has tattooed their mental image of your genetalia onto their upper forearm.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines I wanna be your dog baby. Woof fucking woof, I'm coming to get you in my sheepskin jacket.
The Police No. calls to the police : 18 timesYour Last Call to The Police "I've had enough of this. Send the fucking SWAT team around. That bastard notsoloyal has been watching me for far too long. Don't be stingey with the dum-dum bullets. Thanks."notsoloyal's Police File notsoloyal is a dangerous psychopath who will not let anything get in their way. Particularly the law.
Testimonies about notsoloyal
Demarcus Higgin - A hardened ex-crook
'Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both notsoloyal and 10pointsforme. Chances are 10pointsforme's just made all of this shit up again.'
Aileen Mullinar - Charlie Manson's long-lost sibling
'I always suspected notsoloyal was a little weird, but never THIS weird.'
Gardner Kinealy - Gives birth to cattle
'I use the word cunt sparingly - it's more effective that way. I've spent all morning texting notsoloyal, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.'
Stalked again, a rant by 10pointsforme.
Shockwave is stalking 10pointsformeShockwave's REAL name :Fender BrownsmithShockwave's REAL DOB :18th October 1983Height :178 cmWeight : 50.7 kgShockwave has dreamt about you : 22 times Shockwave became interested in you : 12th December 2007Shockwave's latest dream about you Shockwave and 10pointsforme make passionate love on a condom strewn beach in Belgium to the sound of George Michael's Careless Whisper playing in the distance.This is how Shockwave describes your relationship behind your back 'Whenever I pass 10pointsforme's in the street, part of me wants to shout 'Just Fuck me now baby!''Shockwave's been stealing stuff from your house too. You know the way all of your baby teeth mysteriously disappeared? Well Shockwave has them.They've even started modifying their body for you Shockwave has 10pointsforme tattooed right across their chest.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines God want's us to be together. He told me last night. He said that if you refute my love than I have the right to scald you with piping hot tap water.
The Police No. calls to the police : 5 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Hi, police? Yeah, I'd like to report a crime. Some mad fuckers just shovelled shit into our mailbox. I think it's this person I know from the internet called Shockwave. Yeah, real mad son of a bitch. Can't seem to understand that I just don't like 'em."Shockwave's Police File Shockwave poses no real threat to society at large, unless of course your name is 10pointsforme. In that case, you are royally fucked.
Testimonies about Shockwave
Brittain Criddle - Nosy old hen
'Jesus fuck! You've got to be joking?!??! Shockwave? A pervert? It's quite funny now I think about it. What an idiot!'
Guidry Freeman - The Devil In Disguise
'I've known them both for a long time and I can safely say I've never met such a pair of nutjobs in my life. All of these claims are bullshit.'
Lemus Brock - Lord of the Irn-Bru
'Shockwave is pointlessness personified. I just wish they'd kill themselves or something.'
LJ stalking horror - a report by notsoloyal.
Blitzwing is stalking notsoloyalBlitzwing's REAL name :Mcgovern WhitakerBlitzwing's REAL DOB :19th May 1986Height :195 cmWeight : 125.5 kgBlitzwing has dreamt about you : 14 times Blitzwing became interested in you : 27th October 2007Blitzwing's latest dream about you You are working in an ice cream parlour. Blitzwing approaches the counter and asks for a whipped vanilla cone. You step out from behind the counter brandishing a leather whip in full BDSM gear.This is how Blitzwing describes your relationship behind your back 'notsoloyal is my best friend in the whole world. When he dies I'm thinking of stuffing him and placing him beside my television.'Blitzwing's been stealing stuff from your house too. Blitzwing seems to get a thrill from continually stealing your toothbrushes. It is rumoured that Blitzwing uses them to scratch their ass.They've even started modifying their body for you In the past year Blitzwing has spent their entire life savings on cosmetic surgery in an attempt to look more like you.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines Marry me darling. Move in with me. I will do your laundry. I will raise the children! I will do anything to be your soulmate. Do you need a hip? How about a new set of teeth? Anything that is mine will soon be yours.
The Police No. calls to the police : 26 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Police! I need your assistance, someones trying to climb in through my window. It's a stalker I met off the internet. They've been harassing me for months now. I can't walk down the street without them following me. Come quickly and make sure you bring a couple of baseball bats. I could do with beating this fucker into submission."Blitzwing's Police File When Blitzwing last spent time inside even the most hardened criminals feared for their lives when they were near him.
Testimonies about Blitzwing
Minter Newby - Geek isn't the word
'Are you serious? Fucking hell. I should've known. Something tells me that Blitzwing is going to die pretty shortly.'
Cheryl Nott - Car wreck of a human
'How depressing. I feel sorry for notsoloyal, he's kind as fuck to a fault. Always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. All of this sickens me.''
Mendes Downey - Long-haul trucker
'Uncool and unhip Blitzwing is just plain shit!'
notsoloyal is being stalked on Livejournal!
10pointsforme is stalking notsoloyal10pointsforme's REAL name :Roger Downey10pointsforme's REAL DOB :18th December 1984Height :189 cmWeight : 103.6 kg10pointsforme has dreamt about you : 24 times 10pointsforme became interested in you : 15th May 200610pointsforme's latest dream about you 10pointsforme dreamt that you had got married to another person. 10pointsforme produced a shotgun at the ceremony, blowing off your partners head before they could complete their vows with a close-range shot.This is how 10pointsforme describes your relationship behind your back 'We were destined to be together and you'll soon be tying the knot.'10pointsforme's been stealing stuff from your house too. 10pointsforme has stolen your DVD recorder and will only return it once they receive a tongue kiss from you.They've even started modifying their body for you In the past year 10pointsforme has spent their entire life savings on cosmetic surgery in an attempt to look more like you.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines Everyday without you is death. I've decided it's best that we end our lives in each others arms. My brother knows a fellow who can buy cynaide pills on the cheap. Let's do it, for us.
The Police No. calls to the police : 30 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Hi, is that the police? This is notsoloyal, could you send someone over quick, a mad fucker by the name of 10pointsforme is trying to knock my front door down with an axe."10pointsforme's Police File It is only a matter of time before we encover a mass of decomposed bodies within 10pointsforme's refridgerator.
Testimonies about 10pointsforme
Schubert Towel - A hardened ex-crook
'I always suspected 10pointsforme was a little weird, but never THIS weird.'
Ngan Pepper - An overly camp drama queen
'Dear God! I knew 10pointsforme was a right thieving bastard but I didn't know they were such a skank. notsoloyal is a bit of a sucker really.'
Fernando Cullen - Brainless patriot
'I use the word cunt sparingly - it's more effective that way. I've spent all morning texting 10pointsforme, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.'