I'd thought to cave in and make a "Lolita Wishlist" after all this time.
It's probably going to be filled with nice impossibilities, and expensiveness.
So - Here we go, F-list!
Most recently, and what a lot of people have been craving:
APs Sugary Carnival, particularly in Lavender!! <3
shoes, headbow and socks to match (in white x Lavender obviously! 8D)
this too.... Ok enough of AP now!! D:
*cries* damn you, BABY/A&P, damn you, Versailles!!! I saw this in-store before release, and was almost
drooling. It looks damned TINY but the material and lace feel and look so nice~!
BABYs Camelot OP!! I love the tulle bustle at the back, and dont care that it is £287!! ;_;
L to R: A&P lace print JSK, Corset Skirt, and Crown Buckle boots (black) from Alice & the Pirates
THE Kamijo Hat!!
There are also a few things from Moitie that I want, but cant find pictures!! T^T Then onto the last two things!!
Metamophose's new Rose&Crown print, and then the Swan Lace Frill pinafore JSK in Bordeaux
that's it! tadaaaahhh
(well there are still a few more things that I wanted, on my "brand list for Japan" document I still have saved,
but I dont know what some of them look like anymore XDDD or where to get pictures bar requesting!)
Now I am off to WORK!