I know Legolas never get injured in the battle...AGAIN
but but I just couldn't resist this.....AGAIN
Rough PENCIL SKETCH again, yes AGAIN~!!
Well well, what a stubborn elf. AGAIN
EDIT: Replaced the much bigger scans
(Dear my f-list, sorry I can't see all the pictures you guys posted. :( )
Aragorn: "Legolas, let me look at your shoulder!"
Legolas: "Is nothing"
Aragorn: "Legolas..."
Legolas: "Stop commanding me human!"
Aragorn: "Legolas!!"
Legolas: "........" *hissed in paint*
Aragorn: "You stubborn elf, do not hide this from me!"
Legolas: "Do not bother yourself Aragorn, I will be alright."
(I wish I could draw like manga style....*deep sigh*)