11 Reasons Why Dark and Light Gravitate Around One Another [LOZ]

Jan 01, 2007 01:46

[11 Reasons General Theme] 11 Reasons Why Dark and Light Gravitate Around One Another
[Characters/Pairings] Link/ Dark Link
[Fandom] Legend of Zelda
[Title] Moments of Peace
[Rating] G
[Prompt] # 24 Predilection
[Warnings/Disclaimer] Light Shounen ai, so if that bothers you fair warning. I do not own Link or Dark Link, Nintendo does along with LOZ's creators.
[Summary] Dark Link always liked the moments directly after a major battle, the same with Link. There was just a feeling of peace that could not be found any other time.

Moments of Peace

They had a predilection to battle beyond just fighting for a cause. In fact, they fought for the end of the battle when the sense of accomplishment and peace was cloaking them. Yes, especially after a large battle for that left the world with peace.

However, they especially looked forward to the final battle. When the last wound is inflicted and the die have been cast. Standing victorious above all leaves a high that cannot be captured any other way.

Basking in the glory that can only be found after one has risked their life. Has stared death directly in the face and laughed loudly. The sense of accomplishment that never dulls, no matter how long its been.

However, there is one that they had more predilection toward. Each other, and that is what made the final battle worth it. Spending those rare moments of peace, together, basking in each other as the sun rises or sets.


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