Team: Aschenputtel
Challenge: Romantik/Intimität - Umarmung
Fandom: Lighthouse Duett
Charaktere: Valen, Lassa
Wörter: 712
Plot: Nach dem Ende von Flesh and Spirit bekommt Valen besuch. Es ist ein wenig awkward für alle Beteiligten. Weil ich mir wirklich noch ein Treffen zwischen den Beiden gewünscht habe aber keine bekommen habe.
(Und einen neuen Tag für Lighthouse brauche ich auch)
Thalassa Minora Cartamandua-Celestine, High Priestess of the goddess Samele, had come to visit the new King of Navronne. I assumed it wasn't out of politeness.
I was proven right when only one day after her arrival, I could feel her approaching the well. Absentmindedly I realized that I had never been able to tell who was coming as early as with her but I was too occupied with other thoughts to wonder why. Her steps came closer.
"Please tell me I didn't come here all the way to shout at a well and get no reply."
I stepped out. "Greetings", I realized that in all the time I'd spent thinking since I learned that she had come, I had never thought about how I should address her now. After everything.
"May the goddess bless you." It seemed I wasn't alone with that problem. And she'd had even more time to consider it.
We were both silent - a strange occurrence when we were in the same place - and her gaze fixed on me.
"Is something wrong?" Apart from this whole situation.
She continued to stare. "'re wearing something." She sounded relieved and I had to suppress a smile. Max must have told her of our last meeting.
"Osriel had warned me that you were coming. I assumed you'd prefer it that way." Silently, I cursed myself. Warned sounded like I'd been dreading her visit. Which wasn't true. But there was no need to worry for something extraordinary happened. I needed a moment to realize what it was because I had never seen her like this. Of course, I'd seen her laugh but never so loud. So almost-hysterical. It was a full, throaty laugh.
"Lassa." I took a step towards her. Only now, she stopped. Looked at me, grinning. I was more familiar with her grin.
"There are a few things I have to get used to. And my little brother being on first-name basis with the king is one of them." The grin disappeared. "That he's not actually my brother is another."
"A lot has changed." I agreed because what else was there to do.
We were silent again. By now we must have gone longer without shouting at each other than we had during our whole childhood.
"How's father? Claudio I mean." That was one of the things I had been meaning to ask.
She straightened he back and looked somewhere past me. "Not well."
"Good." I hadn't meant to say that out loud but if Lassa minded she didn't show it. Instead, she continued. "I petitioned the registry again. They should have made their decisions by the time I come back. I...I'm hopeful that this time..." she trailed off.
"I wish you luck. You'd make a better head of the family than he does."
She met my eyes only for a moment before she changed she topic. "Mother is unchanged. As is Janus."
"Let's not talk about Janus." I surprised myself with the sharpness in my voice. I wasn't ready to breach that topic, yet. Not even when I was alone.
"Max also wishes you well. He doesn't have the time to visit at the moment and isn't sure when he will." Or if he ever would, I assumed.
"Give him my thanks."
This time the silence didn't stretch as long. Lassa tensed slightly and said: "I've been thinking."
I almost wanted to reply with a joke but her obvious discomfort stopped me.
"About what?"
She tore her eyes from the well and looked directly at me. "If I'd done anything differently if I'd known. About you know."
Now I tensed as well. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that answer. I wanted it anyway. "And?"
She let out a short laugh. "I don't know."
I felt oddly relieved. "I appreciate your honesty."
She looked at me, startled. I smiled. "I have changed in the last few months." And because Lassa also deserved some honesty I added, "I guess I've grown up big sister."
Now she smiled, took a step forward and hugged me. "I'm glad you're alive little brother."
For our family that was considered a huge emotional outburst. Somebody had to lighten up the situation. "I'm glad that I'm alive as well."
"Fiend heart."
"Toad Witch"