so my artistic side came out this weekend... thanks to ladd. we spent a lot time together. taking pictures, watching movies, going to b&n, and what not. it was great
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so fcat sucked. luckily i have the ability to sleep with my eyes open so no one new i was sleeping. other than that my dad was slow. bobby is my boo. haha that kid cracks me up.
church was really cool. my mom and i and glenn and lyn went to applebee's and she got the people to sing happy birthday to me and it embarrassed the crap out of me. i think glen is setting my mom up with the manager of that applebee's. its funny... he was so flirting with her and she was flirting back. it was soo cute. then we went to flee market
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so my party rocked. we had the coolest waiter... erwin! he was great! the food was amazing and everyone loved it. we found out lindsay is a serial killer. haha and i drove instead of sitting in the back with her. then we got home and my old next door neigher... aka my little clone was here watching the baby. we all stayed up talking. then we took a
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