Title: Ignorant Bliss
regalblaze (Saica)
OC: Rhys
Prompt: #10 - First Crush
Rating: G
Notes: Nothing~
There she was, in all her (unabashed) glory. Rhys could've sworn that he could've stared at her for hours.
How could Sorren have not noticed her charms? Her perfectly straight blonde hair, pulled back by a thin blue headband... Her winning smile, her pale complexion.. she was the picture of beauty.
It didn't help that she had an arsenal of healing and holy magic, either. Rhys had to face it: Akemi was drop-dead gorgeous.
(Honestly? Under any normal guy's eyes, she was cute. She obviously took time to look nice, but she wasn't anything special.)
The way she walked, the way she held those pens.. all of them brought a new aspect to the engima that was Akemi.
He could stare at her for hours.
"Rhys? Whatcha looking at?"
Whoops. There went his Akemi-watching hours.
"Rhys? Is something wrong?"
He groaned, looking up to face Kiro. Wait, Kiro? "Um.. I'm fine, really.."
Kiro crossed his arms. "You sure? Your face is all red."
Oh, what could he say? Your sister's so cute it's making me blush to even look at her? As if he could admit that.
(Everyone knew that Kiro was overprotective of his sister. If he got mad if someone else looked at Ari, who knew what'd happen if he knew that Rhys was obsessing over Akemi?)
"I think he might have a minor fever," Sorren commented. "Can someone check his forehead?"
Akemi waved, "Oh, I'll do it!"
... D-did she have to volunteer?
Rhys nervously smiled, watching Akemi effortlessly slide next to him. The blonde took her hands, pressing them onto her and his foreheads.
She was even touching him now! ... He didn't know what to think.
It felt.. great. (Even if she was only checking him for an illness)
Yet, he could feel the world spinning around him. Should Akemi be this blurry? (He couldn't even make out her face)
He didn't respond; the world was spinning faster and faster.
A pause. Then..
"Omigosh! He fainted!"