this is jill. i just wanted to update for michelle to let everyone know she is still alive and doing well. please direct your questions or comments to her cell phone since she never ever uses her computer. thank you.
my cousin lindsey is teaching me how to skateboard yes it is as funny as it sounds then we will be moving onto snowboarding and i'm gonna make mark come with us
my cousin kevin is a cool ass mother fucker
i like spending time with my sister cuz she is a funny girl right now we are gonna watch a movie eat popcorn and do facials
state this weekend!!! i wanna make sure to go see steve cuz i havent seen him in forever and of course i can't wait to see the central people and state girls
i have an orientation at specs tomorrow i'm excited it should be cool
so after specs i am heading out state for an early weekend party ;)
if anyone isn't doing anything saturday night sunday night OR monday night
feel free to join me and stay at my aunts house with me i have to watch my cousins but they aren't little or anything its in marine city so umm thats loads of fun