First off fuck you. I'll determine what concerns me.
That being said, I'm not sure how this classifies as living in the past. I was under the impression that as a writer you drew from all aspects of your life, and that sometimes you'd write something after the fact.
Oh but wait I forgot, you're are always right.
Here's what gets me. Why do you care? If you are so over this, then why do you still read this journal? Do I smell hypocrisy? Why yes I do, because again you're Angela and you are also the most hypocritical person I have ever met.
Stop thinking so highly of yourself, grow up, and learn to stop being a complete bitch.
Comments 7
Because I have.
A long time ago.
It's not worth living in the past.
Or harping on what once was.
And please keep to yourself.
This doesn't concern you..
I'll determine what concerns me.
That being said, I'm not sure how this classifies as living in the past.
I was under the impression that as a writer you drew from all aspects of your life, and that sometimes you'd write something after the fact.
Oh but wait I forgot, you're are always right.
Here's what gets me. Why do you care? If you are so over this, then why do you still read this journal? Do I smell hypocrisy? Why yes I do, because again you're Angela and you are also the most hypocritical person I have ever met.
Stop thinking so highly of yourself, grow up, and learn to stop being a complete bitch.
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