Title: Inferno; Chapter Four: Bar Night.
Genre: Action, Angst, Romance, AU
Main Pairing: Rukix? AoixUruha
Rating: PG-13-R
Warning: Mentions of alcohol
Disclaimer: Mommy said pets don't include sexy men with kitty-ears on...
Summary: Trapped in a building on fire, Takanori has to wait for his own teammates to come a rescue him. But as he waits,
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Comments 13
Will read when I wake up from my heat stroke. Fucking summer.
And umm... get well so? I wish you good health..?
What do you say for a situation like that?
Ano, want my cold air and I can take your heat? I love warmth~ *hint: fire fighter story*
Idk what you say actually. Just give me like, some ice cubes or something.
And um. I dunno. Not much progress in this chapter is there? Except for knowing the traitor is Saga. o3o still, WHEEEEE UPDATE.
I love how they're all big and courageous firefighters... sitting on each others' laps. lDDD
The celebration scene was adorable, especially the beer pong. xD Uruha and Aoi fighting over beer, even though they're losing ololo
You ended the scene just when Ruki finally said something! '3'
YAYyyyyy! update! 8DDDD
I'm lovin all the hostility in the bar at the end there. Very cool Hahaha, I was totally guessing Saga too. kehehe He's just screaaaming villian in here. love it xD
Also, Kai as the chief is really awesome. Dunno why, but I'm lovin his character here... hahaha
and yes, Saga is evil~~~
and I used Kai, cause he just seemed so calm and motherly in the band, so why not a firehouse XD
oh and I know how it is, I had exams too. *nods*
And duly noted, as also told by many friends, throwing people off track and teasing them is a habbit of mine in my writings.... But that is a good thing, no?
And by the 6th or 7th chapter, everyone will know why Reita is a meanie-meanie-poo face... And will probably agree with him XD Thank you for reading, comennting, and also recomending this to others! made my day when people told me you recomended this ^.^
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