So... I only worked 6 hours today... You'd think that wouldn't be too hard, right?
You'd be wrong. My boss was in a terrible mood, like completely grumpy and grumbly. Then, she asked me to be slide inspector (which, I'll admit is fully part of my job) but I'm still a lil scared after 2-3 weeks ago I si'd the 7-story slide and freaking blacked out after I came down. Not fun. )
So... started out alright. Ended up hitting my head twice and slipping when getting off one slide and hitting the ground hard. Hit my head, overextended my wrist (the first aid guy thinks I sprained it), hit my knee, and bruised my side up. I'd take a pic to show you how angry it is, but there's no decent way to take it myself. It's purple-y green. Ew. I hurt. >.< I'm not inclined to melodramatics, but I'm really getting on a roll w/ this "2010's out to get me" thing. ::grumble:: it also hurts when I breathe in and out too deeply. Or too quickly. Lame.
Ummm... Fic rec time! Going through the st xi kink thing again (shocker!) and found this by
lovemyfaceoff -
... It's a fun prompt. McCoy's dormmates vote to change the access code to keep Jim out because they can't stand him and his constantly coming around late, drunk, being loud, and generally a pest. That doesn't stop him from coming by... I thought it was fantastic. Hence, the rec.
Work? No work? Lj app... I've had a HARD 2010. Stop screwing w/ me. ::grumps::
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