So... I'm gonna attempt another cut... Under which will hopefully be at least 2 fic recs of the Star Trek variety... (Kirk/McCoy)... And an update on me. Hmmm...
Fic recommendation!
- fairly odd parents crack story by
Notboldly50295 Here's the original prompt that made me lawl w/ the 'I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR!' -
too adorable!! Another amazing fic that's short, but adorable
Bourbon and Blood -
called Bourbon and Blood, but sure if it's anon, can't remember Defining moments - a heartbreaking fic
- Defining Moments. Made me choke up. If not cry just a lil bit. Not gonna lie.
Texts from last night prompt and response!
Texts From Last Night prompt - silly, Jones, 5 and 1 style. It's a quick read.
Alright, fic recs outta the way... I've been going through the
st_xi_kink_meme not sure if that'll actually link you to the st_xi_kink_meme or not. Sorry, guys... I'm ridiculously new at this. Pardon my flailing. ... And yeah, a few unfilled prompts have nipped at my ankles. I'm finishing one before I attempt another. Finished two parts (of a planned 3-4 parter) in a slightly au exercise. In the prompt, Nero didn't just ask for Pike, but Pike and a doctor. I've written it from just Jim's point of view, leaving it open for a side-along from McCoy's point of view. Fun writing exercises are fun! I plan on finishing ch 3 tonight... And maybe attempting ch 4 as well, if I get done early enough. In all honesty, ch 4 intimidates me. >.>
Wish me luck! As soon as ch 3 is done, I'll start posting here! (and then link back to the kink meme prompt... I think I know how to do that...) XD
Looks like that worked... And I think I figured out the 'links ridic long' problem... Not sure... XD it's an ADVENTURE, kiddies!
Much <3,
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