Yes, another concert. I might be trying to go see more and more of these, as they are such enjoyable experiences... But this one was special. You'll see why soon.
Tuesday evening, after a long day of work, I head home in a rush to get myself ready for the evening. Russ does the same, spiking up the hawk and selecting his bust punk apparel. Personally, I end up with more of a goth or emo look, but oh well, the spirit was punk anyway. We rush off and the journey begins.
It's an hour drive to Towson, and we spend most of that time listening to the new Panic! At the Disco album that came out earlier that day. I hate to say it, but it's rather disappointing. It's pretty solid music, I suppose, but much too slow. It lacks the energy that the first Panic! album was so good at delivering, ending up more folky. Enjoyable, but not the sound I was hoping for.
Here's a little lesson: Parking in Towson is a bitch. We drive in circles trying to find someplace to park for at least ten minutes, with little luck. Oh well, there was a long line for the show anyway. It was 7:15 by the time we found a spot. Doors opened at seven, and the show wasn't until eight, so it was all cool.
The Recher Theater is a pretty nifty little place. Food/drink that we didn't partake in, and lots of signed pictures of many famous bands that we never new hit a little town like Towson. Anyway, we start working through the crowd, situation ourselves front and center for the night's entertainment. There's about a twenty minute wait in which nothing happens, but then the lights drop, some interesting sounds start coming from the speakers, and the first band appears.
Loving the Lie is an rising band that maybe five people were there to see. Most people didn't even know they were playing, only knowing the main act and not that there even was opening bands. (Seriously, if you ever by a ticket to a show, please read the bill first so you know what to expect beyond the headliner that probably hooked you in the first place.) They had good cohesion, but a pretty stereotypical sound. Not bad stuff, but nothing that really stood out all that much... But the crowd wasn't into it at all, so that kinda ruined the whole effect.
Next up was
Vs. The Earth. Very good band, I actually bought their CD after the show. Lots of energy, fun people, and the singer really knew how to get the crowd into it. He even crawled into the middle of the crowd with his mike and sang in the middle of the crowd to get people worked up. The first band were those who are trying to get going... The second was the band about to break it big. I hope they make it.
There was a long break before the final act, and Russ happened upon a former coworker and her punk-loving friend, and we got to chat for a bit. Well, he did at least. The flu has been kicking my ass lately and I had no voice before the show, never the less during or after. I said a few things that weren't heard, but it didn't really matter. I didn't have a mohawk, so why would you wanna talk to me?
Then the moment finally came.
Eve6 took the stage. We made a push for the front, maybe only six people away from the front barrier. Very good vantage point, right in the middle. They started strong, and stayed strong. I really can't describe it, but it was concert-goer bliss. A band you love, so close, playing all your favorite songs (because they're all favorites), and rocking out. We jumped around a lot, and even did a little slamdancing. Woohoo! Highlights included: slamming with a guy who we swear had to be on coke, starting a mosh during "On the Roof Again," pushing all the way to the front barrier for the encore, and really the entire experience. It rocked. Ten years of listening to Eve6, and the concert lived up to all expectations.
The show boiled down and we hung around, waiting for the crowds to fade. I bought the aforementioned CD, and would have gotten an Eve6 shirt, but all they had was hoodies left. Russ shakes hands with the lead singer/bassist of Eve6, in the worst way possible. Ask him for the story sometime. Then we head out.
We get back to the garage and end up driving in circles looking for a pay station or exit of any sort... No luck. We end up driving out the side entrance and not paying for parking. We fully intended to pay the six bucks, but what can you do when you can find no one to take your money? The ride home is uneventful, then we both take showers and crash.
Awesome time, mission accomplished.