Day two was much rougher.
Day Two, 9/12/07
Woke this morning not liking the laxative tea any better in the morning than I had the night before. After leaving the bathroom though, I couldn't help but briefly note that it was 6:30 in the morning and I wasn't feeling as sleepy as I usually do at this time of morning. Proceeded to brush my teeth and wash my face as per usual but noticed that my face felt pretty clean still and I think my skin actually looked different. Huh. Probably my imagination.
Waited till after I took the kids to school to do the salt water flush, but came home and did it right away. Not quite as exciting as the day prior since there was nothing but lemonade and maple syrup in my stomach anyway, but was indeed regretting the extra cayenne and the rough TJ's toilet paper after all was said and done.
I missed my morning coffee ritual as this was my first morning without it. It was okay though; I had the lemonade drink instead. Yum. It actually doesn't taste half bad once you establish how much cayenne you can tolerate. (Incidentally, I learned you can leave out the cayenne but as it speeds the detox process, it is better to leave it if you can.) So the morning went along swimmingly, though I did feel a caffeine headache coming on and my brain was starting to feel progressively fuzzier, like I hadn't been eating. Except you're not supposed to really feel hungry and that stuff while doing this, so that kinda sucked.
Also, I spent the day feeling more and more introspective sort of, like I should be doing something quiet and focusing on all that was going on with my body more. Like I should be exploring the spiritual side of this whole cleansing business a bit more. But I had a ton of work to do, so that would have to wait.
I had read that detox symptoms include things like cravings and grogginess, tiredness, sometimes nausea, etc as all these toxins are mobilized in your body and that the symptoms will go away usually by the next day when you get them out of your body so I was prepared that this could happen. Still, I was really surprised how fast and hard it hit me later in the afternoon.
I was trying to work and it became increasingly difficult to focus. Plus it was around the time that I usually cook dinner so I was feeling that hungry stuff a little bit. I'm really really surprised after the fact how close I was to just eating something. I thought for sure this wasn't going to work because I had papers to grade and math problems to write by the next morning and how could I possibly do any of that if I couldn't even think?!? I was IM'ing with my SIL at the time and I saved the convo later. It started like this:
HER sent 9/12/2007 3:18 PM:
O.K your still going I'm impressed!!
ME says:
totally still going
HER says:
How are you feeling?
ME says:
I just for a minute longed for macaroni and cheese and tater tots with ketchup just now though, lol.'
ME says:
my head hurts. Probably the lack of caffeine but I do feel a little hungry too. And kind of fuzzy brained which is making it hard to focus on work
HER says:
Crap!! I would not make it on that if your having trouble I would have killed people!!
ME says:
oh, well, it's not bad though. Just moderately sucky.
Okay so I was still doing all right there. Bit later I said:
ME says:
I'm trying to keep in mind the whole , the symptoms will only last a day thing here cuz the headache sucks.
Not long after that I was grading essays online for my job and totally forgot that I was and my session on our website timed out. Big sign that I was not doing so hot at that point. Here's where it went:
ME says:
fuck I'm really feeling pretty yucky. And I'm having a really hard time thinking and focusing on my work., like I would if I were hungry . This is not good.
...random comments not related to this omitted...
ME says:
dude, what am I going to do? I can't fucking think!
HER says:
I don't know perhaps now isn't a good time to try this...although I don't know when a good one will be!!! You are a very busy person and you like to use your brain ALOT and not just for eating like your body is doing now.........
ME says:
Seriously, this is sucking. Like, it's taking me almost 4 minutes to get through each essay when normally it would just take 2. I don't want to punk out but I have too much work to do tonight to have it all take double time. Fuck.
HER says:
Like I told you when you bought the maple'll be good on pancakes!!!!
ME says:
oh no. I totally don't want to quit though, you know? I feel like I should wait and see how I feel tomorrow but then what if I can't get through my work tonight?
HER says:
I don't know dude ....thats a big one!!! How much do you have to get done tonight and are you going to be able to get it done if it takes double time??
ME says:
no I won't be able to get it done if it all takes twice as long.
HER sent 9/12/2007 4:59 PM:
Well then there went that theroy......
ME says:
I just feel like I usually do if i haven't eaten for two days, not like anything good now.
ME says:
This was at 5:00, just an hour and a half after I had said I was feeling only a little crappy. At this point I was really feeling bad, like I needed to eat something and I couldn't focus or think and my head was throbbing and super fuzzy feeling. It was awful for a little while, and I was feeling like I'd be a complete failure if I ate something. But still a few minutes later I said to her:
ME says:
i think I am going to eat something. Is that awful?
But then, less than a half hour later I drank more lemonade stuff and this convo occurred:
ME says:
drinking more lemonade now
ME says:
You know, I have no tolerance for consuming the same thing over and over.
HER sent 9/12/2007 5:48 PM:
Lemonade would be pretty that spelled right??
ME says:
yes and it is. I'm already getting grossed out on it. Maybe I should instead just proceed to the part where I work my way off a fast by eating raw foods and stuff and see if that alone helps, lol.
HER sent 9/12/2007 5:52 PM:
Maybe just the time you've been on this thing will have helped!!
ME says:
I wonder--I have read recommendations to do it for 3 days, so I would assume anything would help, you knwo?. see though right now I am not feeling as yucky as I was just a bit ago.
Okay, so I was starting to feel moderately better. At 6:20 she checks in:
HER says:
How are you feeling??
ME says:
okay. trying to work. Head still hurts though.
At 6:30 I said this (first part is about me prioritizing work tasks, just ignore):
ME says:
yep. So I'm not going to worry about them tonight, just this math stuff. Feeling significantly better now.
So, I just started to feel progressively better and by 9 when we signed off the IM, I was feeling really fine, just sporting a caffeine headache that was tolerable by my standards. It was crazy how quickly I felt so bad though and then even crazier how quickly it passed. In those three hours I could've totally blown my cleanse easily. But I stuck with it and this morning felt tons better.
The rest of the evening was spent finishing most of my work and I wrapped up the day having had 8 glasses of the lemonade stuff, again about 2 gallons of water, and very aware of what the detox symptoms feel like and why it is so easy to stop early. I now know to that late afternoon/early evening is probably going to be a tough time for me since it is the time of day that my body is used to eating. Drank my cup of nasty laxative tea and hit the sack around 11:30. Will post about day 3 tomorrow when I've gotten through it but so far it's going all right.