So the food side of my weekend in Portland wasn't quite as fun as the rest.
I did pretty well on the way up as I had packed what I wanted to eat for the drive to make sure I had good food. I didn't end up eating the salad I had packed for lunch, but did eat lots of fruit. When I got to the SIL's though, it was all over. She's been waiting all day to eat mozzarella sticks with me and had bought my favorite kind of beer, the vile temptress. Not that I don't plan on eating stuff like that if I want it, but I was really unsure of how it was going to sit after 10 straight days of no food/mostly raw food and absolutely no crap like that. So, at 10 o'clock at night we ate the mozzarella sticks and I had a beer and hoped I wouldn't regret it in the morning.
I didn't. It was really okay! Yay! She had made sure she had plenty of fruit there but she had also bought soy milk for my coffee and this was my downfall. I had a cup of coffee with soy milk first thing. It was super yummy (first coffee!) but left me feeling not really hungry after all. Uh-oh. I grabbed an apple as we left and ate that on the way to the Pirate Festival but that was the last thing I ate until we came home that night.
I knew we were planning to have pizza that night so I really didn't want to eat fair food (I'm not a big fan of it anyway) and I had not brought anything with me, so I just didn't eat. Feck. It was very easy to not eat, didn't faze me except for that the logical part of my brain kept saying, "I'm hungry. I need to eat." The rest just shrugged and said, "Whatevah," and I went with that. *sigh* Also, I underestimated how much water I'd need and ran out pretty early on and didn't want to keep spending a buck a bottle.
We did indeed have a yummy veggie pizza when we got home that evening and I drank about half a soda with her before I decided that just wasn't happening. The soda was just too hard on my tummy, so I switched to beer instead. And then Irish coffee. :D My SIL had also underestimated how much water I'd need and her tap water tastes fairly horrid, so I was seriously low on my water intake at this point. I almost sent dh out to get some more but we were having such a nice visit so I just dealt with it.
The water thing is a real serious need for me. Always has been. If I drink less than about a gallon a day, I start to feel really gross, so I really should have sent him out, esp. since I drink a lot first thing when I wake up. I regretted not sending him out the next morning. My stomach felt slightly nauseous from the pizza and not enough water and I ended up slamming several cups of tap water right after I brushed my teeth in hopes that if I got it down fast and while I had minty breath, I wouldn't taste it much, lol. It did work and I felt a bit better but still fairly yuck in the tummy. The cheese on the pizza was definitely the culprit.
I had another cup of coffee and an apple and a bit later we were on the road back home. The road back home did not include packed food, and we were slightly pressed for time, so we were stuck eating whatever we could buy quickly along the way. When we stopped for lunch, I almost didn't eat anything despite the fact that the place we stopped had a couple veg. items but I ended up getting something so as not to spend another day not eating.
I was feeling a bit bummed about how easy it was to revert back to the non-eating and how difficult it was to eat properly while I was away from home. I guess next time, I'll have to just hit the grocery store when I get there to make sure there is plenty of stuff that I will eat. I was partly worried that when I came home, it would be easy to just say fuck it all, but more ended up determined to not do just that. This is really important to me and was going really well up till this weekend.
When we came home I did not in fact go back t my old eating habits! I am having a cup of coffee in the morning again but since I realized that the soy milk in the coffee has a tendency to abate any hunger so that I will not want to eat in the morning, I now am sitting down first with my water and a couple pieces of fruit while I am hungry in the morning (I'm hungry in the morning!!!) and eating that before I have my coffee. It is working really well and I am hungry again by lunch time.
I've also had lunch every single day and it sits just fine in my stomach and sometimes even a snack in between. Another thing I hadn't thought about is that we have a tendency to eat dinner later but when I do that, I am not so much hungry in the morning. So I am really trying to make sure we have dinner earlier. We have had lots and lots of salad of various types this week for dinner too, so I'm feeling pretty good! Also, the water intake is easy here, so that's a non-issue.
Also, I have inspired my dh he says through all of this, my ability to completely overhaul my eating habits like this and, while number of meals isn't so much a problem for him, he is being more conscious of the food he is putting into his body. Instead of me making something just for me to eat, he pretty much has just wanted to eat whatever I've been eating this week so that's really good for him as well. He worries about his weight in particular, so he is feeling good about trying to make some positive changes here.
So that's about it. My update in summary: had a bit of a rough weekend food-wise, but didn't let it throw me. I got right back on track and am doing and feeling good!