So I've seen the Star Trek film twice now
Once at an advance screening and once when it came out nationally in Oz. I saw it in 3D twice and I have to say, the second viewing was essential to me enjoying the film as a Trek entry. Please forgive me for posting this when everyone in the USA is still waiting but I'm basically exploding here.
My first
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Comments 2
The Klingons seem to be in pretty bad shape in the reboot timeline! An abandoned city on their homeworld, no defenses against intruders, Praxis already exploded... I guess Nero did more damage to them when he escaped than we thought?
I was actually super impressed by tiny things like that
Well your thoughts about Klingon were mine as well but honestly whose to say that Praxis was an isolated incident. As far as I know, there isn't an official mention of how many moons there are around Qonos
It could be another less damaging over mining incident wether caused by them or Nero
:) I do however want it to be Nero
Heck I dunno if it really was Praxis but it sure looked it
Well yeah 47 battle cruisers destroyed = decimation of working aged persons = weakened defense force
Seriously Nero has so much to answer for
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