Title: Girls, Girls, Girls
Characters: GIRL!Kyuhyun (main)
Pairing: Eventual Sungmin/Kyuhyun and other pairings.
Length: Multi-chaptered
Rating: NC-17 (later chapters)
Warning(s): FEMSLASH!!!! Un-betaed, and eventual Smut, but the rest is a secret for now ;D
Summary: Kyuhyun hates boys.
I REALLY, REALLLY didn't edit this as much as I would've liked.
correct me on stuff? ):
Oh my goodness I'm excited<3
Chapter 8
Weekend were fantastic is Kyuhyun's opinion.
Being able to hang out around campus in your street clothing was bliss. Kyuhyun walked around the courtyard with Yesung, waiting for Ryeowook. Yesung carried a small black bag protectively in between her arms. Yesung looked up at Kyuhyun through her choppy hands and smiled. "You'll see soon~!" Shrugging it off, Kyuhyun pulled at her blue cardigan.
"Sungie~!" an angelic voice sang. Ryeowook skipped over to Yesung wearing a pale yellow sundress and sandals; which contrasted strongly against 's dark skinny jeans, black tank top, dark boots, and shining silver earrings and belt. Yesung pulled Ryeowook in or a peck on the lips before saying, "I brought him today."
Ryeowook’s eyes widened a bit and she grabbed the bag. Kyuhyun stared as Ryeowook pulled out a small creature. A turtle. She watched as Ryeowook stroked it's shell.
"Ddangkoma~! How's my favourite cutie today?" she cooed. Yesung pouted.
"Wookie!!! What about me?" The longer haired brunette giggled before she used one arm to intertwine with Yesung's and the other to carefully hold the turtle.
"You're my favourite dork~!" She exclaimed, a wide teasing on her face. Yesung pouted even more.
"A hot one?"
"Yes Yesungie. A hot one."
“Oh my god. Will you two shut up already? You know all this mushy talk makes me sick.” The three girls turn around to meet a group of four girls approaching them. One of them, Kyuhyun recognized as Zhou Mi.
“KUI XIAN~!” She exclaimed, waving her arms in a spazzy manner. The tall Chinese girl stood before her in black skinny jeans, a white tank top, black pointed heels, and a black leather jacket. Kyuhyun slowly and awkwardly waved her hand; unused to the hyper personality that is Zhou Mi.
“Kui Xian? Who is this?” One of the other girls asked. She had hair short black hair with barely existent bangs that showed of her bone structure. Zhou Mi put her hand on the other girl’s shoulder ad spoke something in a different language. Chinese, Kyuhyun concluded.
“Yah, yah, yah~!” Another girl yelled. She had medium length red hair in a bob-like style with thick bangs. Kyuhyun found her familiar, very familiar. “Don’t go speaking languages I can’t understand! I hate it!” She had her hands on her hips and had her face very close to the faces of the two girls.
“Sorry Heechul.” One said.
“You’re so hot when you’re angry~!” Zhou Mi exclaimed, clapping her hands and hopping in place.
The red head girl smirked and patted the giant on the head. Zhou Mi closed her eyes and sighed happily for before turning her cheek towards the other girl. The red head looked at her strangely.
“What?” Zhou Mi inched her right cheek towards her more. After a few seconds, she understood. She clicked her tongue against her teeth and smirked. “You spoiled little girl.” She leaned in close to the girl’s face, attempting to kiss her cheek until Zhou Mi turned her head, grabbed the red headed girl’s face and crashed their lips together. She drew back quickly and giggled.
“ZHOU MI!” Everyone seemed to exclaim. She just laughed in response.
“Bad Seasoning! Bad Seasoning! You know no one EVER takes advantage of The Great Kim Heechul!” She flailed her arms in various directions, and Kyuhyun could swear she saw smoke come out of her ears, yet the enormous Chinese was unfazed.
“But Heechullie~~” she cooed, cupping the other girl’s face. “You brought it upon yourself, looking so kissable. I had to claim you mine.” Heechul rolled her eyes and swatted the other girl’s hand.
“Step in line honey.” Zhou Mi’s face fell and she pouted and had a bit of a temper tantrum.
“Heechul! You always do this!”
They all had gathered in a café outside of school where Donghae, Kibum, and Hyukjae had been waiting for them. Kyuhyun felt out of place when all the other girls simply had coffee and she ordered a Cheese Danish. Ryeowook looked at it in disgust.
“Ew, Kyuhyun! Do you know how many calories is in that thing?” Kyuhyun looked at it blankly before slowly shaking her head.
“Obviously she wouldn’t know. You can tell just by looking at her ass.” A few in the table sniggered while Kyuhyun gave Heechul an amused face. She was about to reply but an outside voice said, “I like Kyuhyun’s ass.” The table turned around to be greeted with none other than Lee Sungmin and a friend. The other friend groaned.
“I only just arrived and we’re already starting on the lesbian talk? How am I honestly the only straight one here?” Sungmin rolled her eyes.
“Shindong, we had sex the other day. What are you talking about?” The table sniggered.
“Yah! That doesn’t mean anything. It’s not my fault you were around when I was missing my boyfriend.” She defended. The table groaned.
“Ugh, Shindong,” Kibum grumbled.
“What?” She asked innocently.
“I honestly don’t understand how you can like those things.”
“Boys?” Kyuhyun asked, tilting her head to the side.
“No, not boys. I meant their-“
“PENISES!” Donghae shouted, waving her hands in random directions and making a disgusted face. The whole café was silent as they all stared at a certain brunette girl with the blue ribbon in her hair.
“Unnie!” the other girl Heechul had brought along hissed. She was using odd hand gestures that matched her extreme facial expression.
“Yes Siwon?”
“You really shouldn’t use such vulgar language. Use something more polite like, manhood.” Hyukjae scoffed.
“Yet when Heechul and Sungmin say ass, it’s fine and dandy?”
“It’s a bible curse.”
“Oh of course, because everything in the bible is fine and dandy. Let me go stone my wife as I sell my daughter into slavery or throw thousands of babies into hippos infested waters.”
Kyuhyun couldn’t help but bust out laughing. She patted her stomach as she started to tear up, laughing non-stop. The table stared at her.
“What is wrong with her?” Ryeowook whispered, holding Ddangkoma in her hands.
“I have no idea.” Yesung replied, arms around the other girl’s waist.
Hello hello~ Halmollie aka tehgirlwonder here~
Posting at
15_beyondwords from now on, along with miracle and kyu_min but just not as often.
Posts will only be public for a few days and then will be members only, so be sure to join the community~~! :3
Sharing is caring, and I share this community with two of my daughters,
sungminnie012 and