Title: The Terrors of 99% Spandex
Characters: GIRL!Kyuhyun (main)
Pairing: Kyumin
Length: One shot
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Semi-cracky fluff. Language.
Summary: After a long day at school, all Kyuhyun wants to do is go and play Starcraft; not get tormented by her roommate.
“Oh please Kyuhyun, just stop already. No need to pretend around little ol’ me. After all, I know your secret.” )
Comments 44
And thank you~~<3
I WAS going to post the new chapter up today, but I will be really busy after school.
So it will be up tomorrow~ :)
I will patiently wait for your reply to the spot I give you~ ;P
You know me, I adore Kyuyoung~
Someone instored? For me?
I'm excited~~~~~~ ^^
Naked pictures?? :O
“Wear that again.”
Okay, so she actually wore something.
A negligee!? o.o (...But for whom could those pictures be made for apart from Sungmin?? The latter didn'T now about it. Theory rejected.)
A cosplay. XD So not what I expected. (But then, it fits XD)
I want to see Girl!Kyu in sexy costumes too D:
-dies from overload of cuteness-
Okay I must do my hmwk now...but I SHALL STALK YOUR FICS TMR :D
*cracks whip*
get to work~ :)
But hehehehe....
Kyuhyun would look good in that~
Yes, I must go be a good girl :(
Btw, StarCraft is awesome. It's also my new addiction - I totally blame Kyu. ;~;
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