Title: Girls, Girls, Girls
Characters: GIRL!Kyuhyun (main)
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Yesung/Ryeowook and other pairings.
Length: Multi-chaptered
Rating: NC-17 (later chapters)
Warning(s): FEMSLASH!!!! Un-betaed, and eventual Smut, but the rest is a secret for now ;D
Summary: Kyuhyun hates boys.
It's the most annoying thing to try and remember something you wrote months ago.
Short chapters until I can either remember, or write something good enough to replace~ >_<
Chapter 9
After they left the cafe, they split into two groups. Heechul, Zhou Mi, and Donghae wanted to go shoe shopping and dragged Siwon and the girl Kyuhyun later learned to be Hankyung, along. Sungmin and Ryeowook wanted to buy earrings and dragged the rest of the group, except for Kibum with them. Kibum left to go book shopping. Kyuhyun walked to join Kibum but Yesung grabbed her arm and dragged the annoyed girl along with the rest of the group.
They wondered around a shopping mart until they found the perfect store, which to Kyuhyun was filled with rainbow vomit. Scarves, bangles, necklaces, earrings and hats of a large assortment of colors were scattered everywhere. The girls quickly dived in while Kyuhyun on the other than, trudged inside.
"Kibum sure has been distant lately," Shindong commented.
"Oh don't worry about her Dongie, she's just being possessive," Ryeowook said, scanning through pendants.
"Possessive? Whatever could she be possessive about?"
"She and Hae experimented back in junior high and Kibum doesn't quite like that she's fuck buddies with Eunhyuk now." Hyukjae froze and dropped the necklace that was metal shaped like glasses from her hands. It struck the floor with a loud clang, echoing throughout the store. They all stared.
"It's true?" Sungmin blurted out, interrupting the awkward silence.
"You...found out about that?" She gave a sheepish smile, pushing her bands slightly to help hide her face.
"Hyukkie, I could HEAR it. Honestly, quiet down a bit." Hyukjae glared.
"Look who's talking! I don't like hearing, 'Oh god, yes! Yesung right there!' when I'm trying to sleeping!" Ryeowook grinned and patted the elder's shoulder.
"It's okay unnie, I forgive you."
"For listening up against the wall while we were being intimate. You've got to admit though, we're hotter than any of those girls in your porn right? Our amazing voices, unleashing those guttural sounds in the most beautiful melody..."
"WHAT THE FUCK RYEOWOOK?!" Hyukjae shouted, her cheeks burning.
"Oh look Jongwoonie! She's blushing! We should give her a good show tonight shouldn't we?" Yesung hugged Ryeowook from behind and chuckled. Kyuhyun rolled her eyes.
"You all are ridiculous." Shindong raised up her arms.
"Thank you! Someone that finally agrees with me!"
"Oh shut up Dong Dong," Sungmin retaliated.
"What? I finally get to talk to someone who doesn't speak of lesbian sex all day!" Ryeowook snorted.
"Oh you poor dear. Kyuhyun's a closet lesbian."
"Am not!"
"Most definitely. The girl's in denial though."
"I am not!"
"Oh, so you'll admit you're a lesbian?"
"No, because I am NOT a lesbian!" Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Oh silly Kyu," Sungmin sighed and patted Kyuhyun's left cheek before heading to the hair accessories. Kyuhyun's face flushed when she caught the sight of her elder's hips swing from side to side.
"Look Wookie," Yesung whispered loudly. "She's blushing." Ryeowook giggled.
"Kyuhyun, you must buy that!" Kyuhyun turned around, adjusting the blue, sparking ribbon in her hair.
"This ribbon?"" Sungmin nodded enthusiastically.
"It's really cute, and it even matches that blue cardigan you're wearing!" Kyuhyun looked in a nearby mirror; tilting her head at every possible angle before shrugging.
"Okay," She took out her Batman wallet and sighed. She wanted to spend this money on Professor Layton and the Diabolic Box, not hair accessories.
"Really Kyuhyun?" She looked up.
"You have a Harley Quinn wallet." Kyuhyun furrowed her eyebrows.
"So?" Sungmin lazily waved her graceful hand.
"I just feel like I'm with my little brother. He used to have the biggest crush on her growing up." Kyuhyun made a face.
"I remind you of a boy?"
"It's not a bad thing," Kyuhyun frowned.
"So I look like a boy?"
"Kyuhyunnie! I never said that!"
"You aren't denying it."
"Kyuhyun-ah! You don't look like a boy! In fact, you're a really cute girl!" Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow while looking down at the bouncing girl.
"Are you complimenting me, or hitting on me?" Sungmin smirked.
"Both." She winked and gave her hair a flirtatious twirl.
"W-whatever," Kyuhyun said, feeling her the warmth in her face returning and she walked over to the cashier.
"Those two are so obvious," Yesung whispered to Ryeowook as they were browsing through earrings.
"Oh, I know! I wonder if--oh! Hold still!" She held up metal lighting bolt earring next to Yesung's face. She shoved them in Yesung's hands. "Get these. Anyway, I wonder how long Kyuhyun will last. You know how long how quickly Sungmin changes favourites."
"Sungmin's never friendly though. Well, she is, but it's more getting in your pants friendly than actual friendship." Ryeowook smirked.
"That's because she already got into her pants." Yesung choked on her spit.
"Already?!" Ryeowook said nothing but flipped back her long black hair and giggled.