Please post a link here to your ficlet, but ficlets in comments are fine as well. If you do write the ficlet on your own page, please put the word behind an lj-cut tag (or hidden in some way), so as not to spoil anyone for the word.
Word for today is: (
Word #194 )
Comments 20
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG
A/N: It's been a fun community. Cheers, guys.
Fandom: Original
Rating: G
Word count: 302 words
Thanks for providing us all with inspiration! (And thank-you muchly for the link on the profile page.)
And this might be a late response but I couldn't not write a response to the community's last word.
Title: Letting Go
Series: Digimon Adventures 02
Rating: G
Genre: General/Romance
Pairing/Characters: Taichi x Sora
Number of Words: 557
Sumary: Taichi's thoughts as he lets Sora go...
Can be found at my fan fiction journal:
You've inspired some great stuff from my friend poisontaster over time, that's for sure.
Hope you return someday to fire the comm back up again.
Rating: G
Genre: General/Romance
Characters: Original (You and Her)
Summary: Is love worth bidding farewell to your past?
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