Title: "Of Kittens and their Little Bows"
mummifiedmutantTheme: Set 3; #15 always a bridesmaid
Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown
Pairing: Kimiko Tohomiko and Keiko
Disclaimer: Kimiko, Keiko, and the general XS universe does not belong to me. I am merely the inspired author.
Rating: G.
Spoilers: "Dreamscape", maybe?
"Of Kittens and their Little Bows"
The door falls back into place and at once Keiko remembers just how much she loves Kimiko's room.
Her five-year old mind basks at the changes; little ones, like the sudden smell of green apples or the addition of a brand new toy snuggled under the blankets of the other girl's bed.
This time, however, all her young eyes see are kittens.
Three of them in all; they look ever so cute lined up in a row like that. Colourful little bows loosely frame their necks. Keiko hears one of them --was it the grey one?-- mew, and suddenly they're all a mass of white, grey, and ginger-purple, green, and blue as they practically start falling all over each other.
Keiko bounds forward, bare toes relishing in the feel of the soft cream carpet as she lands, "wow, Kimiko," she giggles, "they're so cute!"
"Shhh, Keiko!" Kimiko protests, turning her head to look at her best friend, "Lil' Chica's getting married!"
Keiko's mouth forms an 'o', and she nods quickly. There's another kitten - black; with a white chin and two white paws - sitting just a few inches from the others. Kimiko's favourite doll, Lil' Chica, has her arms outstretched towards the final kitten (although she's nowhere near him, but a little ways down the 'aisle'), sporting a small golden bracelet that looks vaguely like a wedding ring. --Except, it's not shiny enough to be a wedding ring; Keiko knows.
There's a small tune playing and little strips of black and pink confetti are scattered everywhere. The young girl falls to her knees, anticipating.
"Here." Kimiko says with a smile, handing Keiko the thin white cloth that dangles from Lil' Chica's perfectly pig-tailed black hair. "You can be a bridesmaid!"
And the wedding progresses; Kimiko trips over her words, all three kittens manage to untie their bows, and the groom has the bride down on her back, biting at the small plastic hands, before there's even a "you may now kiss the--!" to be uttered.
Keiko loves every minute of it.