More Than Friends - Chapter 1/5

Jul 29, 2010 22:55

Title: More Than Friends
Author: 15SujuBerries
Chapter: 1/5
Pairings: YeWon, HanChul, Frienship!HeeSung, Minor HanSung, and other pairings.
Rating: PG-13(May Change into NC-17)
Genre: High school AU, Humor, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Drama
Disclaimer: I don’t own them!
Summary: Yesung decided to stop being home-schooled and goes to this rich, ( Read more... )

more than friends

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Comments 23

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15sujuberries July 31 2010, 08:30:12 UTC
Haha, Heechul hasn't met Siwon or Hankyung yet, he just said it to scare Yesung a bit XD


xloveysx July 30 2010, 06:12:00 UTC
last spot here ^-^
be back when i'm done with reading :3


xloveysx July 30 2010, 15:17:29 UTC
HC is such a blunt friend ^-^
i have a feeling that he'll become a good friend of Ys's xD
wait for YeWon meet <3 X3


15sujuberries July 31 2010, 08:31:15 UTC
He will... most likely! XD


kimchi92 July 30 2010, 07:09:08 UTC
o.o seems interesting, poor yesung xD


15sujuberries July 31 2010, 08:31:40 UTC
Haha, thank you for reading~ XD


if_rchanluvsj July 30 2010, 08:07:23 UTC


if_rchanluvsj July 30 2010, 09:25:04 UTC
lol ussually i read heechul as rich man, so different but interesting...

poor sungie he must home school because get bullied harshly..
but jaejong as yesung's brother...!!! i love the two of them!!!


15sujuberries July 31 2010, 08:33:07 UTC
Same here XD I thought it would be fun making Heechul act like this >_^


followurdestiny July 30 2010, 10:17:47 UTC
interesting... I wonder what Leeteuk's problem is... and how the seniors are going to fall for the freshmen or the other way around... lolzz


15sujuberries July 31 2010, 19:34:09 UTC
Haha, thank you for reading and commenting! o(^_^)v


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