Title: Survival Author: Sabine Pairing: Petros/Wanda Warnings: Heavily implied incest, dubiously accurate Catholicism For: aphrodite_mine Requests: Petros/Wanda; Kitty Notes: Several years pre-canon. Watch out for special guest appearances.
Wow, what a great start to the ficathon! I loved the introduction of Kitty (and Emily Frost), and Wanda's self-denying wish that her sinning hands would just fall off. Wanda's slow change from something close to depression to holding a cold nugget of will to survive was excellently drawn.
Oh, that was beautiful and intense. The way Wanda and Pietro's story developed was great, but I especially loved Katharine's story. Emily Frost was wonderfully petty and Katharine's defiance was so brave and sad.
I love how Emma shows up, and how perfect an appearance she makes. I also really love the dynamics between Wanda/Inquisitor/Petros, and the heavily implied incest was definitely...yes.
The thing about Kitty was so sad, and yet so wonderfully perfect, too. I love how the stories entertwined. Nice job!!
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(PS: Hi, I live like .5 minutes from and go to school with apathyandgenius and shadowenmagic.)
I love how Emma shows up, and how perfect an appearance she makes. I also really love the dynamics between Wanda/Inquisitor/Petros, and the heavily implied incest was definitely...yes.
The thing about Kitty was so sad, and yet so wonderfully perfect, too. I love how the stories entertwined. Nice job!!
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