
Jun 08, 2004 01:44

1946's LJ stalker is 1946!1946 is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also stalking the rest of your friends list!

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

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Comments 14

is_terrified June 11 2004, 10:41:07 UTC
may i add you? :D



astroteen July 3 2004, 09:10:27 UTC
i attempted sending an email to sinisterfunkhouse at hotmail dot com, but something happened and i'm not sure if it sent. oh well. what i was messaging you to say was -
con your father into driving you up to north bay for my birthday. bonne fete!~@%!#% also, call me if you feel up to it.
i think that was the jist of it.


1946 July 3 2004, 10:25:37 UTC
i'll keep asking him every day.

i'll try.

he won't lend his car to mark = (

so if my dad drives me up, either mark and them are finding a way or i'll go alone?

i'm still trying.

i like coldplay.


astroteen July 3 2004, 11:47:51 UTC
why can't your dad drive a few people, as well? if he's driving you, i mean.

and i don't want you to be annoyingly persistant, that's not neat.



1946 July 3 2004, 11:54:16 UTC
'cause i already asked him about driving me, mark, matt, dan, and whoever else. he said no way.

being persistant is the only way.

i like coldplay.


_saidtheshotgun July 27 2004, 16:37:25 UTC
i'll be adding you now.


licentiously August 4 2004, 18:05:31 UTC
add it! it's sarah (_amnesiac)!


UH. bunny__gamer June 29 2005, 03:00:51 UTC
Since you're stealing my music on soulseek, I figure we should be LJ friends again.



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