Title: Setting a course for disaster
Author: Mimic
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble. Tim/Kon, Tim/Bernard, and various others hinted.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't play for keeps. DC owns them.
Notes: Crack! Spawned in chat, with Pixie wanting Bernard to meet the Titans. Lots of crack.
Feedback: Heck yeah!
Word Count: 1600
Tim, your boyfriend dude is *mental*. )
Comments 18
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I was laughing as I wrote this, though I'm afraid it was more evil than humorous. I still can't quite believe I did it, and then *kept* doing it, because it was meant to just say the first three sections.
Anyway: Thanks for the awesome feedback!
Dude. Seriously. Everything about this hilarious. Loved how Bernard was analyzing the more tantalizing properties of the costume. *g* And the Kid Flash, LOL! And all the back-and-forth and glowering and gossiping!
You win at crack.
I think I enjoyed the gossipy feel the most, in terms of writing. Though of course, I can't discount being able to just *write* everything I've ever wanted them to say to each other, damn the consequences.
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