Title: Spare a moment
Author: Mimic
Characters/Pairings: Jason/Bruce
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't play for keeps, DC owns them.
Notes: I was in a writing mood this morning, and got a spare second to post this. #33 - Right for my
fanfic50 table.
Feedback: Love it.
Word Count: 122
It wasn’t different.
Patrol was light, even if nothing in Gotham could ever be called easy, and Bruce was at his side the entire time, making him itch in a way that had nothing to do with pulled punches and swallowed curses.
He still wasn’t surprised by the sudden shift of weight, and the rough grate of crumbling concrete against his legs, and the backs of his arms.
Bruce’s lips were hard and hot, the taste of his kiss metallic against the bright lights and clogged streets of the city beyond their little world of shadows.
It was good, and he smirked against Bruce’s mouth, pushing as hard as he could, making it a struggle, like everything else.
Like he wanted it.