Title: Blank Space
Author: Mimic
Characters/Pairings: Jimmy/Clark, Lois, Jason, ensemble.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not awesome enough to own them.
Notes: ...I don't know. Jen, why did you have to say I was the only Clark/Jimmy writer you knew?
Feedback: Anything and everything welcomed.
Word Count: 2400
Superman is gone. Maybe that's why Jimmy feels so much like growing up. )
Comments 6
The way Jimmy is the only one who seems to notice CLARK at all, and the way he doesn't really understand what it is he feels for him--hmmm. Very interesting. And Clark's reaction is just, well, I'm not sure why, but I find it very hot. Even though nothing really happens, yet. But there's something about why he wants to talk to Jimmy in private...
I like this. A lot. It's sweet and simple and not angst-ridden. Will we see more, as in sequels? I think the last scene would spawn a very intriguing sequel. I'd read it, for sure!
Not sure about sequels. I'd need a lot of prodding and/or hand-holding.
It is a great dynamic to write, a nice pause for breath in the angst of the Batfamily, so I'll probably keep it in the back of my head and (just maybe) drag it up again to expand.
Um, because I really loved that ficlet you wrote? And you really are the only person on my flist that writes them? I'm sorry?
Though I'm not sorry to see this. :)
I agree with ladybugkay, there's this wonderful feeling between the two of them, like a bubble of quiet that separates them from all the other bustle. And yes, Clark is wonderfully hot here. He seems to let himself relax a bit down into Superman mode around Jim.
He could kick himself for sounding so stupid, but Clark just smiles.
Jimmy’s remembering all the time how nice he is.
I love your Jim's voice--it's so direct and straightforward, and although he doesn't seem fully aware of his feelings he certainly isn't deluding himself or trying to hide them at all. It's...really refreshing. :)
Jimmy/Clark love!
Hahaha. No need. I think I'll somehow get over it. ;D
I'm so glad I managed to get Clark to act how I wanted him to in this. My Clark muse is notorious for never doing what I want. Seeing him through Jimmy's eyes definitely helps, I think.
It's...really refreshing. :)
Thank you. I'm...not actually sure *where* my Jim voice is coming from, actually, but now that you say that... I guess I really do think of him as a very straighforward type of person, more so than what's usual (even for civilians) in DCU.
I... uh. I may try to come back with a proper review. BUT THE AWESOMENESS OF THAT ENDING HAS LEFT ME BRAIN DEAD WITH JOY. My mind is in some very happy Clark/Jimmy places right now, oh yes. Good God I just love this whole thing! ♥♥♥
I'll take the shrieking and hearts any day, especially from you. :D
I really loved writing this story, it was so fun. Jimmy is such a great character to look through the eyes of, all sheer optimism, joy, and just enough smarts to make things really interesting.
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