Wow, I REALLY need to start doing a better job at keeping this thing up to date, especially since it's become mostly a true "blog" about my brewing.
Kailo gave us his expert advice, and recommends:
Rhodomel with champaign yeast
Still in a 7-gallon carboy. Need to add a high-acid white wine, clarify with bentonite. Rack and bottle in a few months.
Rhodomel with Cotes de Blanc yeast
We added 1,750 ml of that super-sweet orange blossom mead to try to sweeten it up. It had clarified and carbonated a bit, but a protien haze has returned. We'll pull a sample next week.
Elderberry Melomel
Flavor is good, but it needs sweetening.
Raisin Meth
The raisins have floated and bleached and a whole bunch of lees has fallen. What'sin the middle is clearing, so this is a good thing. We rack next week.
Cranberry Mead
Very clear, needs to be sweetened and allowed to mature some more.
Tupleo Mead
Also needs sweetening.
Blueberry Mead
Gone dry. "Not unsound." needs sweetening.