Title: Zombies Can Love Too (sort of) Fandom: The Walking Dead Characters: Milo, Bicycle Girl, and OC Warnings: Zombies - if they bug you, don’t read this Word Count: 513
Oh she was so sad, the way she looked at Rick when he shot her, you'd think that there was some humanity left in her, yet you know she was probably just trying to grab a bite lol.
I swear there was some humanity left in some of the walkers! Milo looked at Rick like he was thinking, working out how to get to him. Morgan's wife too - something kept bringing her back home. Poor little Bicycle Girl did look like she was reaching out to him for help but yeah, probably just trying to catch a bite. Poor baby :(
Morgan's story had me crying so, so much. I hope he'll be back in season 2 - I read what happens to him in the comics, but I'd really love to see him back. Doesn't hurt to see Lennie James either ;)
Morgan's story was so heartbreaking. And that little boy just wrecked me when his mother showed up at the door. How do you live with that? I'd have moved. I would LOVE to see Morgan back!
Gross gross and double gross. I HATE ZOMBIES. But I read it cause its yours and it was well written and well interesting little twist-that spark of humanity.
Awww, thank you for reading it! *big hugs* I know zombies squick you out - you were one of the ones I put the warning up for. Zombies squick a lot of people out, I know.
Wasn't it sweet? Milo is such a gentleman, when he's not chowing down on people's arms and whatnot ;P I thought he and bicycle girl would get along well :o)
Comments 22
Anyway, the fic was great too, by the way :)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :D
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Icon twins!
poor girl, feel so sorry for her but Milo was very sweet in his little zombie way.
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