Me and Caitlin
Sara, Caitlin, Me, and Daniel<3
Rachel humping her brand new car.. I fucking love her
Caitlin and Elvis
Christine and Chris
"We met in a closet."
Me and Marinkidink*
Rollin with my homies
Bodacious and Killa <3
The girrllss
The members of girls night..and jeff.
Tom and Elvis not paying attention..
We're all trying to be emo.
Emo Kid.
Christine, Caitlin, and Me
The cutest couple ever: Nora and Chris
Tom and Sara. Awwww.
Mike and Becca
Sara, CurLy, and AlisurLy<3
Alex, Rachel, and Teej
Christine, Caitlin, Me
Sara and Jeff
Taylor and Paula
Marina, Daniel, and Ryan
Me and Raaach =)
Kara and Dan..haaaaawwwwwwwwttttt <3
Me, Teej, Taylor, and Paula
Taylor and Paula..I love this picture
Me and Rachel
Me and Jes
Me and Cait
Me, Kara, and Becca
Tonjaleca, Kati, and Alison
Me and Taylor
Paula and Courtney
Kati and Me
Sam/Whore/Slut and Jeffry
My love Rachel..and me
Taylor's fading six pack =(
That was a really fun night. I hope it happens again when I come back. I miss all of you and be sure to visit.