10 Things Claire Learns: Chaper 2, Part 1

Mar 14, 2011 22:36

Chapter 2 : 10 Big Things That Claire Learns About Gabriel Gray.

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Comments 3

thegreyhawke March 15 2011, 22:13:44 UTC
This brought tears to my eyes many times. I'm going to come back and reread it again a dozen times, I know. I'll probably comment again on the gorgeousness of this piece.
(On a correction note- It's Martin Gray, not MartiAn. Martians are from mars ;) Good job getting his last name right. I hate it when people use 'Grey' which is incorrect.
And 'head over hEEls' in the last paragraph).


1bill_sookie March 15 2011, 22:54:09 UTC
Thank you. I was hopeing my first reviewer would vist again! Don't forget about parts 2-3. :)


thegreyhawke March 16 2011, 02:31:56 UTC
First Paragraph- ferris wheel not Ferris Wheel and fortunately not fourtantly.
Claire's temper- Look up the word 'ferric'. Did you mean feral? and surely, not surly
Gabriel's temper- Makes me want to hear about Sylar's temper.
Number 2- I don't think those are questions.
You use a lot of numbers in for this series, that's to be expected. But they should be twenty-thousand and twelve-page paper instead of 20,000 and 12 page.
And in the final paragraph- 'Well, the intensity...' Just add a comma!
I love this again. You really cut to the heart of him (Gabriel/Sylar).


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