Just testing

Jan 17, 2008 23:11

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Comments 6

sexy_pumpkin January 17 2008, 12:33:40 UTC
yeah I can see it on both LJ pages, plus the userpics & the fic sites, I hope you can as well,,later J.xx

Just up to chapter 4 of Into His Arms, sob, sob!!! it's so gorgeous,,love Jxx


litlemspowerful January 17 2008, 13:00:36 UTC
Mmmmmm...kissing against the jeep...

Thanks for the morning hotness! ;D



shadownyc January 17 2008, 13:08:32 UTC
It's there and it's gorgeous, as is all of stephmck's work! :D


sexy_pumpkin January 17 2008, 13:47:52 UTC
Yes I know, how gorgeous this is, I still look at it, every day, I'm so glad that has decided to use it as well, when stephmck made it for me, I drove her insane, BUT the kisses beside the jeep were easy, OMG they are to die for, I hope you like it as much as I do, it's very special,,love J.xx


such_a_steph January 17 2008, 16:04:37 UTC
Glad you like it (and good job on the installation too :D)


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